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"Hahaha, so you scared her and she ran away like some small little animal being chased by a predator?"

"I'm not scary and besides it was rude of her to run away when I was trying to talk to her."

Tristine continues to giggle at what I told her that happened yesterday. I don't understand why i'm so curious about that girl? Could it be the same reason why Tristine took my interest as well?

"So Hope mind telling me why you try to approach her? Was it because what I told you yesterday of how every person doesn't act the same way."

"What?! No it's just I never met that type of person before.."

Turned my head towards Tristine her expression she made after I said that looks insulting to me then she said something that is even more insulting.

"Man you must not really talk to people a lot."

"You're one to talk! Where the heck are your friends?!"

"I don't have any."

My eyes opened wide as I heard her speak those words. I didn't realise or even think about it. Tristine also up here by herself on this roof the same as me and we have been talking for while now I still don't know anything about her.

"Oh.. I see sorry."

"I don't need you to apologize. Besides I couldn't care if I had friends or not."

"Oh.. I see."

"But it seems that you want friends judging by how you're curious about that girl."

"What?? I have no time for friends I have things I have to do before I go into university! I have no time for friends I just want to have one last talk with her and then this feeling would be gone and I wont have to talk to her again."

"How odd... but ok weirdo mind telling me how you're going to do that when even just looking at you makes her want to run away?"

"Oh please I doubt she ran away again I accidentally scared her once not like i give her trauma or anything." 

As i said that the bell started to ring for my next class I waved goodbye to Tristine and went on my way. As I was heading to class I noticed Ava walking to her class well more like speed walking. I rushed my way to Ava and shouted to her.

"Ava! Wait, I need to talk to you!"

I saw Ava pick up speed after I shouted and saw her bolt into her own class. Ok, I guess that didn't work I don't want to tell Tristine about this. I started to head back to my class until I heard the bell ring again. God damn it it's pointless to go back to class now since the teacher would ask me to go to the office and get a late slip.  I head to the office to retrieve a late slip as I wait in line with all of the other students till I was called upon. 


"Hope Mintz."

"Hope this is your second late slip two more and you get detention."

"I know.."

The secretary handed me the late slip then sent me off to class. once I got to class I showed the late slip to my teacher and put it back into my pocket. during class all I could think about was that Ava girl, maybe i could try talking to her before she heads home?

After my last class I rushed outside waiting to see if I could spot Ava. I waited for a couple minutes until I finally saw her walk out of the school, I slowly made my way to her. I tapped on her shoulder which startled her again but this time she didn't have earphones in.

"Hey Ava I want to have a lit-"

I was cut off by her running away from me but I tried chasing her and telling her to wait up but she was fast and here i'm thinking what the hell is she a cheetah??! As I was losing my breath from chasing her I noticed a book fell out from her backpack I tried to shout to her but it was no use I was too tired to speak. 

I picked up the book and dusted off whatever was on it from the ground and read the title. What the, This is the same book I handed to her when we first met its her diary.  It would be wrong of me to read it, I turned the book around and noticed writing on it. 

Wait a minute this is her address at the back of this book. Damn does she casually lose her things? I put her book in my bag and started walking, maybe I should go to her place and give this back to her. Then I can finally can sit down and talked to her and she have no choice but to listen since I brought her diary back!

To be continued.

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