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"Hello Hope its me Sharon, First I want you start with the daily tasks on welcoming costumers when they enter the door. Make sure to smile and welcome them with a nice greeting." As Sharon was giving me the rest of the other tasks to do here for the next 5 hours I glance at the girl who was setting up pots on a shelf. 

It was hard to make out her name tag from far away, Since I never asked her for her name during detention. I notice she still wears a mask during her job still as well maybe its not a sick thing after all or it could be but it doesn't matter it's not my business to push into other people's boundaries.

I did at least a good hour of greeting people and making them feel welcomed, who know smiling constantly would be this hard my face is starting to hurt a little. "Hey Hope can you help take these pots to the back room?" Sharon handed me the two pots that can fit into one hand each, as I make my way into the back room with all the other stuff in here I notice the girl who just casually putting items into boxes. 

The girl turn her head as she notice I was holding the two flower pots in my hands. "Um I was told bring these back, where do I put them?" I looked at the girl with the mask now that I'm closer to her I can see her name tag on her shirt, That's an interesting name I rarely ever see.

"Almana" Oh shit I said that out loud the girl pointed at the shelve next to me. I guess she didn't care or didn't hear I call her name just out of no where. "If you're done putting those away go ask Sharon for another task or do a task you're assign to." I nodded as I head back to the front to work on my other tasks. 

After my shift was done I was getting my stuff to head out go home. Knowing my mother she probably asked me how my first day was and all I could say is stressful and tiring. Ava texted me asking about my job and I said the exact same thing even though I told her about the Almana girl. 

The next day after the bell ring for second period I was heading my way to my next class as Ava came up and walked next to me and starting talking about how she still trying to job search. All I could do was cheer her on and look out for any job offers for her. 

As we were walking by this one classroom we both heard loud commotion coming from the classroom. It was Almana and one of those mean girls from before, I have no idea what exactly happen but it looked like Almana just threw a chair at her. As Ava got behind me and I was just speechless and shocked I was witnessing Almana grabbing another chair and was about to hit the girl again.

Until two other students were trying hold her back as another student was wondering if the girl who on the floor is ok. "What is going on here?!" We heard a yell it was one of the teachers who came storming into the classroom wondering what the hell was going on.

"Miss, Almana hit me with a chair for no reason!" The girl spoke as she was sobbing from being hurt. The teacher sent Almana to the principle's office as the other girl was sent to the nurse's. As Almana came out the door she stared at me for second as she walked away towards the office. 

"Man that was scary what's up with her?" Ava said as she was clutching my arm. "You two shouldn't you be heading to class." The teacher was in front of us as Ava freak out and started heading to her classroom as fast as she can, meanwhile I started heading back to my class wondering why that girl's expression look so sad. 

During class it was really hard to focus on my work because of what happened earlier. Like I could kinda see why she got violent but still I didn't think she would throw a chair at Ariel. The same girl who likes to spread rumors and make enemies out of people for no reason. I guess her bugging me and Ava that day wasn't a clear warning not to mess with Almana? Now that I think about it Almana is a very strong girl, I saw her carrying way more pots then other girls and she didn't seem tired at all. 

"Hope!" I jumped at the sight of the teacher in front of me, I must of been so in the zone I completely forgot my surroundings. "Hope I asked if you can read page 283" I shook my head yes as I got up from my seat and started holding the book up and read what was on the page. 

During lunch I finally talked to Tristine, Ava was sitting beside me as I was discussing to both of them my new job and what I had to do. Ava seem impressed while Tristine didn't seem have a second thought of it she was being same old girl I know out there daze and emotionless through out our conversation. 

Ava started talking about the stuff that happen to Almana earlier, As Tristine casually listen in to the conversation. I was zone out during that whole conversation I snapped out of it when my name was called "Hope." I looked who called my name it was Tristine looked like she wanted to asked a question. 

"What your take on that situation?" Damn she sounds like a teacher but I answered to boost her ego. "I actually don't really know considering we only saw the aftermath and I never knew what lead up to it." I said as I was packing my lunch away while Ava was doing the same. 

"I see." Tristine said was she was looking out to the sky. The girl still feels like a mystery to me but I decide to stop myself from asking pointless questions when I know the answers I'm going to receive from her. "Hey Hope your expression seem sad when she was mention can you tell me why?" Tristine hit me with another question but as soon as she finished it the bell ring. 

"I gotta get to class Tristine I'll let you know my answer next time" I said as I proceed to grab my things and rush to the stairs along with Ava. 

"Ok." Tristine said as she started rolling the die she kept with her in her pocket. The die ended up rolling on an one dot side. "Not today I see."

To be continued

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