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After school I head home with Ava, I talked to her about how I saw the same girl we saw while we were job searching. Ava told me that this girl was new to this  high school she transferred 2 months ago. Apparently in her last school she got kicked out but Ava doesn't know why, I questioned her how she knew all of this. 

"Ava how do you know all of this info? You guys aren't even in the same class, sounds a little stalkerish to me."

"Oh no I'm not stalking I swear! I just overheard from my classmates in class, She seems unapproachable."

Sounds like people are scared of her for no reason? "Do you know the reason why she was kicked out or not?'

"Sorry, I don't know if the other students ever mention why she was kicked out and I don't even know if they know."

"I see.. Oh well Ava I'm going to run home I'll talk to you later, goodbye!" I started to run as I waved goodbye to Ava from a distance as she also waved back. As I got to my front door I can hear my dog barking, I opened the door and my mother give me the usual greeting. 

"How was school? By the way your father will come home late from work." 

"It was alright. did I get any calls when I was at school?"

My mother slowly shook her head no as she makes her way into the kitchen. "Hope could you help me cut up some carrots." My mother said as I made my way over to the kitchen to help her get ready to make supper. 

1 Hour Later

I was just casually eating my supper at the dinner table with my mother, my father was still out working. Then all of a sudden the living room phone started to ring in its most annoying ringtone, my mother slowly got up and made her way to living room to answer the phone. "Hello? Ah yes she is here let me go get her." I heard my mother yelling my name so I got up and went to her. 

"Yes?" I questioned as I saw my mother cover the speaker part of the phone. "I think this is the call you were expecting." My mother hands me the phone, as I put the phone towards my ear I hear a very high pitch feminine voice. "Hello, this is Hope right?" I was nervous but I answered without hesitation. "Yes this is Hope!" 

"I'm Sharon from Missy's Blooms, Would you be able to do an interview on Thursday 4 pm?" I was scared but excited I agree to her without fully processing what was going on. "Ok, see you then thank you." She hung up on the phone as I slowly place the phone down. 

"So who was that?" I turned my head and it was my mother staring at me wondering why I have a huge grin on my face. "Oh I got an interview!" 

"Oh that's lovely, I hope you get it but remember don't let that get in the way of your studies. You know how your father is." I nodded my head, Its always about study this study that with him I wonder what would he say about interview if I told him. I went upstairs to my room and got on my phone to text Ava about the news. 

"Hey Ava guess what."


"I got an interview :) its on a Thursday."

"omg that's great! I haven't gotten any calls yet :("

"Don't worry you will I bet."


Me and Ava chatted for a bit until my father finally got home from work. My father just got into the house looking tired as hell. My mother took off his coat and asked him how was work, He brushed it off with a just fine.  "Father guess what I got an interview." My father looked at me and my mother started talking about it as well. "Yes, she got an interview at a florist shop." 

"I see, remember to focus more on important things. I'm glad you got an interview but studying and getting into a good school is more important right now." My mother tapped my father and quickly turn his head towards her. "Don't be like that dear lets go get the leftovers I got out for you." 

My father followed my mother to the kitchen as I went to my room. I expected a conversation like this would happen I wasn't surprised. But now I'm looking forward to my interview this week. 

Next Week

On Monday I was chilling at home after school working on my studies in my room. My mother yelled up my name telling me to come down. So i got up from my desk and head downstairs where my mother is. I noticed she was holding the phone and she handed it to me. 

"Hello?.. Yes.. Ya I can do that! Thank you bye!"

"Well how did it go?" I turned around facing my mother with an expression of excitement. "I got the job!" My mother hugged and told me she was proud of me than asked me when my first day. It's tomorrow right after school, don't worry ill be back home in time for dinner and continue studying. 

I ran upstairs to text Ava i got the job and to continue on my work. "Ava guess what I got the job!" Ava congratulated me and told me to tell her after my first day of work how was it. I agreed and went straight back to the books. 

The next day I went to school as usual I was hoping I could run into Tristine and tell her about my news but I could never find her, I couldn't even go up to roof even if I wanted to at lunch I still got detention. I'll tell her one day, who knows maybe Ava already told her about the news, I went off to my last class as per usual.

When school was finally over I head straight home told my mother I was leaving she yelled at me "Have very good first day at work!" I yelled thanks to her than closed the door on my way out and head to the store.  As I was almost near the entrance of the store  I notice the girl who sat by me in detention, I guess we are working the same shifts?

To Be Continued..

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