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The room was silent as the man in his sixties sat alone and smoked a cigar. Men in the Mafia are as relevant as ants on the footpath. A few die, new ones come. But he, he was an important man. He wasn't just a soldier. He was the king. The man responsible for singlehandedly making India a significant Mafia in the underworld.

People praise him. Even his enemies. Because he possess power. So much of it. He has the best assassins in the whole world. If he wants someone dead? Their bodies would be found before the next sunrise. That's the command he has on his people. His loyal soldiers.

Widowed at forty two, he singlehandedly raised his three daughters. He gave them everything they wanted, money was of abundance. But he also gave him what most Mafia men keep away from their children. Love and care.

The most dangerous man in India murdered people during the day but went back home and read his daughters bedtime stories too. He loves them and he never hid anything from them. He told them what he does, provided them with the best security to avoid his enemies from getting to them.

He played with them, laughed with them, even pulled their legs on occasion, so when he asked something of them, for the very first time, they all agreed without question. He let them be whatever they wanted and so they didn't need another reason to repay their father. He was their world.

A knock on his office door made him sigh. He put his cigar away and gestured for one of his men to open the door. He stood up and welcomed his guests. The three brothers who run the Italian Mafia.

Aurelio Lombardi is the head of it. The Don. Capo, as they all call him. Not only that, but he defeated the English and took over them too. He is their Godfather now. The strongest man in the underworld. Standing tall at 6'5 he is the most dangerous man in all of Europe. Calm, collected and too predatory for his enemies, with a gaze sharp enough to cut through glass.

Romeo Lombardi is the second son. The killing machine. He kills people for his own sick entertainment. Rumor on the street is that he drinks their blood too. The same height as that of his elder brother with anger that is never in check. People are afraid of just his name, begging to never face the monster. For if he gets a hold of you, the only one you'll be greeting would be death.

Armando Lombardi is the youngest. And the nicest. He is in the Mafia because it's inescapable. But he sticks to his computer. His brain is sharp, as much as his jawline. There isn't a system the man can't hack into. He picks a gun when necessary, but for him, his precious computer is enough. He can hide behind it for all of eternity with glasses perched on his nose and a cigarette between his mouth.

The Lombardi brothers have arrived to meet the head of the Indian Mafia, to give him the right amount for what they need from him. They don't take favors and they don't intend to start now. The men settle in their seats, staring to find weaknesses. One is an enemy in the Mafia until proven otherwise.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?"

"We need your best assassins, to murder some people." Aurelio isn't a man made for small talk. He knows what he wants to talk of, and so it's what he will say.

"What people?"

"The American Mafia is on our backs. They don't have the resources for a full scale war with us, so they have resorted to small murder attempts. It was cute in the beginning, now it's just annoying. We want you to send your assassins to us. So that they can diffuse the situation, whenever it arises." Romeo had no issues killing them on his own, but he has better things to do.

"We would pay you. Generously." Armando nodded his head in the old man's direction, letting him know they mean the words they say. But the man wasn't ready for the bargain.

"Consider it done. Every murder attempt on you would be dealt with. But I don't want your money. The Americans are a problem, not just to you but to me too. The Russians are on my side, the English are," He raises a brow smirking in the brothers direction, "L.O.L, the only Mafia, my bad, the only prominent Mafia, other than the two of us, is them. If we join hands, those dimwitts don't stand a chance."

Silence fell on the table and in the room, the point may be valid, but no one is worthy enough of one's trust. Not so quickly. Aurelio finally broke the silence. "You want us to sign a treaty?"

The old man shook his head again. "Treaties are a joke. Many countries had them, then what happened? The world War. I don't care for treaties. But I care for family. And from what I've heard, you all do to."

Once again the silence stretched.

"I have three daughters. I want you to marry them. Seal our families together." Astonishment was a new emotion to the the three Italian men. Being raised in the Mafia, they've expected it all. The attacks, their parent's murders, their own assassination attemps. But not this.

Armando's fingers itch. He could really do with a cigarette. Aurelio remains blank in expression but his mind runs. But Romeo isn't the quiet one, he has never been. "From what I've heard, your children are not in the Mafia. Don't you want to marry them in a more secure house?" His stormy blue eyes narrow.

"It doesn't matter if my daughter's take part in the Mafia or not. They are born in it, and that puts their lives at risk. If I marry them to a commoner, they would be dead before they step out of their house. What I need from you, is to marry my daughters and protect them. Keep them safe. Alive. If you agree to the proposal, we have a deal. If you don't, well then I don't hold grudges. We will go our merry ways."

Eyes bore into his. The blue of them so pale, one hardly makes it out. Aurelio isn't a fool. Marriage was never on his agenda but if he was to jump into the institution, he might as well get something out of it. "What happens to your Mafia after you."

The old man smiles. Very impressed. He has heard of the sharp minds these men have but now he sees them. "It goes to whoever marries my daughters. I told you, I'll marry them into the Mafia, and so whoever is capable enough for my daughters, would be capable enough for my business."

Armando looks at his brothers. Both the men contemplating the consequences of this marriage, Romeo seems deep in thought when the the Italian Capo clears his throat. "I don't speak for everyone. But I will marry your daughter."

The man infront of him seems satisfied. "My eldest would be happy to know that."

"How old is she exactly?"

"Twenty-four." Aurelio sighs. She is young, trapped in the world of blood and gore. Romeo speaks next, minding his words, and yet somehow sounding like he was doing the girl a favor. "I don't mind marrying your daughter."

"Thanks? Well my second born is twenty two." Romeo shrugs, age does not matter to him. It's nothing but a number.

The man turns to Armando, the boy has been too quiet. But that's who he is. The boy rolls his blue-green eyes from behind his glasses, the color a mixture of both his parents. "How old is your youngest?"

"Twenty one."

Barely an adult. But he knew how marriages in the Mafia work. Atleast these girls weren't groomed to be their wives. It was either her or someone possibly younger. "Fine. I'll marry her."

The man beamed in his seat, pouring a glass of whiskey each. He raised his own tumbler up in a toast. "To joining our families." The brothers clicked their glasses and drowned the alcohol.

"Oh but one thing gentlemen. My daughters don't speak any Italian." The unamused glances he gets makes him pity his daughters. They all love cracking jokes but they'll be married to men of a different caliber.

Aurelio sighs, brushing past the sad excuse of a joke his future father in law cracked. "We will marry your daughters next month on our estate in Italy. The arrangements would be done, we will see you there." With that the men stood up to leave.

Signing their lives up for something they never expected. It was a business deal, only until the day they got married. Then, everything changed.


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