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What was once a celebration very soon turned into a massacre. Gunshots and screams echoed around the hall that was once filled with music and chatter. Romeo shot a few men before pushing his wife under the nearby table. "Stay here, and if you sense danger, run!" She knew better than to question him at the moment. It was chaos personified infront of her eyes.

Armando took his wife's hand and ran to take cover behind a nearby pillar. Whoever the attacker was, they had no interest in killing a specific person, because their firing technique was shit. "What the hell is going on here?!" Aadya barely dodged a bullet and Armando pulled her more into his chest.

"It's the Americans. They are our enemies." That was all he could get out before a body fell beside them with a thud. Armando covered Aadya, making sure she doesn't see anything. This was not something either of them chose to see today. He had to so he would make make sure she doesn't.

When he felt people getting closer, he pulled his own gun out from his shoulder holster and shot them to the ground. He didn't like killing but he preferred it over dying or worse, losing his wife.

"My sister?"

"They'll be fine. My brother's won't let anything happen to them." And he was right.

Romeo was killing people from every direction. He shot them all, ripping apart anyone who got too close to the table his wife was under. But they were too easy to kill. Something just didn't seem right.

They come from a place where lives cost nothing, but they are not easy to get. They were not here to kill, they were here for something else. But what?

Before anyone could dwell on that question, three more gunshots rang through the air and then everything quitened. Every eye turned to the man who stood at the top of the stairs. His cold demeanor could chill people's spines from miles away and yet Aurelio's eyes were anything but cold.

He was burning. In rage, in a need to raise his weapon and finish this piece of shit in a second, for the man stood above them all with a gun pressed to Aadrika's head. Aurelio knew the man. He was the under don of the American Mafia. Probably here to settle scores.

"Don't be stupid. Let my wife go and I'll give you a clean death. A scratch on her and you'll beg for death but it won't come to you."

"You are not in a place to make threats. Ask everyone to put their weapons down or I'll blow your wife's head." He pressed the gun further into Aadrika's head and she took the pain quietly. She knew if she winced, her husband would lose his calm and many people would lose their lives.

Her husband threw his gun on the floor and his brother followed. The rest of the men were a different case. "You are surrendering? You are our head, our Don, if you give up, we all have to." Echoes around the hall made their rounds.

"We need a stronger Capo."

"He is giving us all up for a woman?"

"We can't surrender to Americans."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Romeo hollered from his place at every man who dared doubt their Capo. He had no idea where these men came from but if it was his wife at gunpoint, he would give up everything to his name and then his life in hopes of saving her.

Adhira had crawled out from under the table when things had gotten quiet and now she held her husband's shoulder to calm him down.

Every man, too scared of the killing machine that Romeo is, dropped his weapons and surrendered to the American underdon. Satisfaction reeked from the American man's face when he saw the all too proud Capo stand infront of him defenseless. Or atleast he assumed Aurelio was defenseless.

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