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"Armando, stop being such a grump. Even the doctor said I am fine." Armando took his wife's hand in his own, scissored their fingers and kept them in his lap. "I am not grumpy." Aadya scowled at him, though he didn't notice. He kept his eyes straight ahead, on the road as he drove through the seemingly empty streets.

His wife was fine. That's what the doctor said. However, he saw things that stupid doctor didn't. Everytime his wife winced while getting checked. How her face morphed into an expression of pain and how she clutched his hand to keep from screaming in pain. He saw it all.

Stupid doctor said she was fine. She is anything but fine. She is hurt, she is in pain.

"You listen to me, you will stay in the room and do nothing but rest for a couple days. I don't wanna hear any complaints, you'll do what I am saying. Once you heal, you can go do whatever you want. Understood?"

She opened her mouth to protest. Obviously ready to tell him that she doesn't need that much rest and to ask him to pull out whatever stick was up his ass but he glared at her so hard her brain alerted her that if she started a fight here, she will very much lose it. So she nodded like an obedient child.

He doesn't stay at home half the time, he wouldn't even know if I get out of bed and do other things.

"And I'll be staying at home until you get better." Her head turned to him so fast she heard her bone crack.

"What?! Why?!" She had so much panic in her voice. What about her plans of living normally? If he stayed back home, he would kill her with boredom. Armando turned to his wife with a light smirk. "So you do not leave the bed and roam around behind my back."

She thought she was smart, well, he is smarter and he knows her too well. Armando drove for another while, almost on the driveway of their house but stopped as two cars blocked his way. Men in black suits stepped out and pointed their guns at them.

Aadya pulled back slightly. "What the hell is happening?" Armando cursed under his breath and rolled his eyes before pulling two guns from under his seat. "Can't catch a fucking break."

He shoved a gun into his wife's hand. "Stay in the car. Do not get out, but if they somehow reach you, shoot them. Do you know how to shoot?" She was so confused with everything that she shrugged at him.

How hard could it be?

Armando understood how his father in law wanted to keep his daughters away from crime and blood but he could've atleast taught them how to fire a gun. His wife was already injured, he can't let these morons in black suits add more to it. He pulled his phone out and shoved it in Aadya's hand.

"Call my brothers. We are close to the house, it wouldn't take them time to reach us." He opened his door, his gun up in the air when he turned to his panicked wife for another look. "The password is your birthday, now do it."

Aadya called Aurelio with her shaky hands and he told her to calm down and to get on the back seat of the car and hunch on the floor. If the glass shattered, she would be hurt less.

Armando walked ahead and stopped once he was in front of the men. It was his gun against fifteen of theirs. There was no way he was winning until his brothers came. "You people want me? You'll get it. But let my wife go. I'll surrender to you but do not touch her."

The man who seemed life the head of these buffoons came forward. "We don't want you. We want her. Our boss told us that you care about your wife more than you do about yourself. And he wants to hit you where it would hurt more. You give us your wife and we will let you go, but if you don't, we will kill you and then we will take her with us. The more fight you put up, the more we will torture her."

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