15. heart to heart

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To say that I was nervous was an understatement, to say the least

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To say that I was nervous was an understatement, to say the least. I had never been asked to do what he was asking before, and I'll be honest—I was terrified. Nevertheless, I trusted him. I trusted Neteyam. Even still, when I went to straddle over, the fear rose in me once more. Sensing this, Neteyam takes my hands and guides them to him, wrapping them around his torso.

"Don't worry, we'll go slow, I promise." Neteyam reassures me, his voice soft and soothing.

I hesitatingly nodded, holding on tightly before settling down completely. I squeeze my eyes shut and let out a yelp as we begin to move.

"Neteyam!" I scream.

He chuckles and pats my hands, which rest around his stomach. With my eyes still shut, I feel the breeze kissing against my skin, and suddenly the air feels light. That's when I knew we were finally off the ground. His ikran squawks, and I flinch, pulling myself closer to his back, resting my head against him.

Just minutes ago I had been on land, awaiting a response from Neteyam that would give me some kind of insight into why he behaved the way he did in front of Ao'nung, but instead I got a question. A question that just confused me more by its suddenness, but when I followed his gaze, looking up at the peak to which his ikran was stationary along with the other five that his family had used at their first arrival, it all started to make sense. Initially, I was immediately opposed to it; not only would we get in trouble if we were caught, but being off the ground was not something that I was used to at all—under the sea was already terrifying enough, but up in the sky was a crazy thought. However, despite my initial disapproval, it didn't take long for me to get persuaded by Neteyam's simple plea of, "do you trust me?". A question like that, combined with the gaze that his yellow eyes shielded behind this intricately woven visor he wore, meant that no answer other than acceptance could leave my lips.

Now I find myself deeply regretting my decision. I'm gripping him for dear life, praying to Eywa that I don't slip and fall to my death, and holding my breath to keep from screaming out loud and risking being caught, all because I couldn't find the words in me.

"Do you want to try opening your eyes? It'd be a shame for you to miss out on the view." He yells so that his voice is heard over the whooshing wind.

I shake my head against his back, determined to keep them shut and convincing myself that if I opened my eyes, I would undoubtedly be skydiving against my will.

"Hey..." He gives my hand a small, reassuring squeeze, his voice sounding closer as I feel his spine shift and my head move now to rest on his arm. As he leans in closer to speak, I feel his breath tickle my ear. "I got you, remember? I promise I won't let you drop."

I sigh and take a deep breath, encircling his hand in mine so he can't let go before hesitantly opening my eyes. I let out another yelp and snapped them shut again at first, but after a few words of encouragement, I tried again. I can't see anything at first because my eyes are squinting against the wind, but then something is placed over them, and I can clearly see Neteyam through the transparent screen. He was no longer wearing his visor, but I was, and while it was a little big on me, it did the job. He only smiles and moves my head away from him, under my chin, so that I can look out the side.

please don't say you love me ; neteyam x ocWhere stories live. Discover now