16. operation 007

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"What's made you so quiet?" Kiri asks, a small smirk playing on her lips

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"What's made you so quiet?" Kiri asks, a small smirk playing on her lips.

It had been a few days since me and Neteyam had our heart to heart and needless to say, we've gotten closer since then. More time was spent together, and I felt as though I could really be myself. As the days passed, I longed to see him when I woke up in the morning. I longed to hear his voice, and Eywa, that smile of his was one that I wished to see. Dare I say, I even craved his touch, even the slightest brushing of shoulders. And with the longing came the butterflies; each time he did something, whether it was correcting my form during archery lessons or the prolonged eye contact, they were always present. And on top of that, we talked. I spoke like I had never done so with anyone before; just his presence alone made me feel safe to say whatever was on my mind. This morning, however, I woke up with a feeling—a revelation that I was too scared to admit.

I look up at Kiri with wide eyes, and she only smiles back, tilting her head ever so slightly as she waits for me to give her some sort of response. Had she read me like a book? Was it that easy to tell? I just opened and closed my lips like a fish, unable to find the words to come up with some sort of excuse that was good enough to defend myself.


"OKAY FINE!" Tsireya suddenly jumps up from her seated position, looking like she is just bursting to speak.

"Tsireya, I don't think Kiri was talking about—." Ikani tries, but also gets interrupted.

"I kissed Lo'ak," she mumbles in almost a whisper, one that contrasts greatly to her previous tone.

"I meant Za'ra—YOU DID WHAT?!" Kiri yells.

Unanimously, we three gather around her, huddled as we bombard her with questions. We wanted to know the when, the where, the why, and the how. We needed all the details. Though she was flustered, she bared it all, blurting out everything to us, the how and when—we already knew the why.

"Wait... this is a good thing right?" I ask slowly as I try to read Tsireya's complex expression.

She shrugged in response. "I mean... I think so?"

Ikani, Kiri and I shared a look of confusion between the three of us before turning back to Tsireya for further explaination.

"He didn't seem to hate it, he just sort of smiled?"

"Hold on, was it a smile like this?" Kiri stands stiff and grins awkwardly, "or a smile like this" She relaxes her posture and leans back slightly, tilting her head as she smirked.

Tsireya took a moment to consider. "It was definitely more like the second one, maybe more shy?"

"Oh then it was more like this?" Kiri attempts once more and Tsireya claps her hands together, pointing eagerly at the Sully girl.

"YES! Wow, that was really accurate."

Kiri shrugs, looking quite smug and proud of her impression. I furrow my brow, confused as to what significance it had to the situation, and glance at Ikani, who shares the same expression and shrugs. "Anyone care to explain?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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