Chapter 33

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A/N: I promise. I am working on this story. However, I have been working on others more. If you want me to update this before I actually do, feel free to tell me to update, but please give me about three days to do so.




I followed John and Max into the main packhouse with Mandy by my side. I squeezed Mandy's hand reassuringly when her grip grew tighter around my hand and stayed silent.

John glanced at us when we entered the building before he looked forward. He didn't say a word while he nodded goodbye to his son after he dispersed before he started to lead us... somewhere.

"Where are we going?" Mandy asked, voicing my thoughts. Her voice quivered slightly, and I could tell that she was slowly becoming more nervous the closer we got to her father.

"Caden's office," John replied. "That is where your father is waiting for you, Mandy." He cleared his throat when I opened my mouth to reiterate that we were to talk with Mandy's father alone. "You two will talk to him alone as promised," he said when I closed my mouth and pressed my lips into a thin line. "Both he and Caden had some... business to attend to. He has not said anything about the living conditions that you all had faced."

I slowly relaxed and nodded. I was pleased that Caden had not talked to him about the conditions of the place after he had left us in her care and slowly wondered what it was that he wanted to talk to him about.

"What about me?" Mandy asked softly. "Did they discuss anything about me?"

John sighed and shook his head. "Not that I know of," he replied. He cleared his throat and grew serious. "However, there were talks that if you want to stay here, with Carley, then you are more than welcome to." He looked at me. "But I think that your friend would rather have you try to live with your father first before you do that."

I slowly nodded because that's what I wanted her to do. I wanted to see if she would be able to live with her father before she lived here, knowing full well that she needed her father just as much as he needed her, no matter what had happened in the past.

However, I was not going to let her go through that blindside, which was why I had asked to meet with him. I did not trust him and was sure that was because he didn't try hard enough to get her away from his ex-wife.

Mandy cleared her throat and slowly nodded. "Ok," she said softly. She cleared her throat again and moved a hand through her hair. "We are going to talk to him alone?" she asked again, hesitantly, then hiding behind me as if not wanting to face his wrath.

"We are," I confirmed, and Mandy relaxed and nodded. "I would have raised hell if we didn't because that is what we had asked in the beginning."

John cleared his throat to cover a chuckle because he knew that I would have raised a ruckus if I wasn't allowed to do it. He stopped in front of a door and knocked on it, quieting the sounds of muffled talking on the other side of that door.

"Come in," I heard a muffled Caden say, and John opened the door to his office before he stepped in before he gestured for us to follow.

I did what I was told to do and followed suit and took Mandy's hand in mine, making sure that she was behind me. I had no idea what to expect and wanted to make sure that she was safe.

"Henry," John said to the unfamiliar male in the room. He walked over to him while both Mandy and I stayed by the door. "It is nice to see you again."

"You too, John," the male said and shook his hand, meeting him halfway.

The Blind Werewolf Princess (1st book of Werewolf Series)Where stories live. Discover now