Chapter 5

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I stood in my new room and looked around, staring at nothing. I took a deep breath and let it out before I walked over to the bed.

The carpet felt soft underneath my feet, and I couldn't help but wonder if the bed felt this soft. If not, then I would be fine sleeping on the floor. However, I was sure that it would be just as soft as this.

"How do you like your room?" a male voice asked from behind me. There was a smile in his voice, and I could tell that he wanted to have a "sibling" relationship with me. "Does it meet your standards?"

I turned my head in his direction, my back still to him. "It's... a bit too much for me," I said, honestly. I cleared my throat and took another step into the room. I had left my staff by the door, and I was wondering if that had been a good idea or not.

"Why do you say that?" another male asked, his voice a little higher than the first that had spoken.

"Ya, did you not have space?" said a third male, his voice also higher than the first but lower than the second.

I shook my head. "At the orphanage, we shared this long room. We didn't have any privacy." I took another step forward and held out my hand to feel a wooden post. It was smooth and sturdy, and I knew that I could use it to move around the room.

"What about a bed?" the first male asked as I moved my hand down to feel a soft... blanket underneath it.

I dropped my bag where I was and moved forward until I felt the bed at my knees. "No," I replied, turning around. I placed my other hand on the bed and sat down before bouncing.

"Did the others have beds?" the second male asked as I bounced a bit.

A look of joy appeared on my face, and I shook my head. "They were small cots," I replied. "They weren't this comfortable, and we didn't really have a pillow."

"What did you have?" the third voice asked, shocked.

"I only had a thin blanket and had to use my arm as a pillow," I replied. "Even during the winter months."

"Dude, that is just cold," the male said. "I am Max, by the way."

"I am Valen," the second male said, his heart rate picking up a bit.

"I am Vallum," the third male said, his heart rate picking up a bit, too.

"Carley," I replied. "And you two need to lie better." I smirked a little and kicked my legs out, feeling like a little kid for the first time since... forever. "I think the last person to speak is Vallum, and the other one is Valen." I looked at where I thought that Max was standing and raised an eyebrow. "Am I right?"

"Yes, you are," he confirmed. He cleared his throat and shuffled a bit on his feet. "Are you sure that you are blind? You are looking right at me."

I furrowed my brows and took off my sunglasses. "Am I?" I asked. I waved my hand in front of my face and made a face. "I didn't know that I was because I can't see."

Max chuckled. "You seem to be a good sport besides the fact," he said, and I shrugged.

"I was dealt a wrong hand at life, but I shouldn't dwell on it." I shrugged my shoulder again. I paused and cocked my head, knowing that I needed help to figure out which doors went to each room. "Kat said that there were two doors beside the main door. Which one is which?"

"One is a bathroom, and the other is a walk-in closet," Vallum said, and I gave him a look. "Oh, you wanted to know where they are."

"That would be nice," I replied sarcastically, and they snorted.

Max walked towards me at a comfortable pace, not making me feel as if I was about to be attacked. His eyes were on me but not straight on. "Shall I show you where the bathroom and closet are, so you don't piss in the closet?" he asked in good humor. He held out his hand for me to take.

I felt a smile appear on my face as I took his hand with his help. I felt comfortable around the three of them, and I couldn't help but be surprised by it. It was hard for me to get to know people outside of the orphanage, so this sense of closeness was weird. "Let's," I replied, letting him help me stand.


Cool tile was underneath my feet, and a single sniff told me that I was in the bathroom. It was really spacious, and I didn't feel that cramped.

"Mom is wondering if you will need help showering or taking a bath," Max said out of the blue.

I frowned, not knowing how he talked to his mother. I let it slide for now because I could tell that he was mentally cursing himself. "Not unless you show me how to use it," I said. "I have taken multiple showers by myself and helped others."

"All right," Max said. He grabbed my hand led me somewhere. "The sink is right here," he said. He placed my hand on the countertop before moving it to where the sink was. "It's two knobs but one faucet."

I nodded and felt for the knobs. I turned one on and stuck my hand underneath it to feel the coolness of the water.

"Whatcha doin'?" Valen asked as I turned off that knob and turned on the other one.

"Testing which one is hot and cold," I replied, sticking my hand underneath it before taking it out because it was hot. "It heats up faster than where I used to live," I added, turning it off.

"How long did it take?"

I shrugged, not knowing. I wasn't able to tell time that well, and it annoyed me to no end. "Long enough," I replied, causing Max to hum in agreement. I wiped my hands on my jeans before taking Max's arm. "Show me to the tub, please."

"Of course, My Lady," Max said, jokingly. "Of course."

The Blind Werewolf Princess (1st book of Werewolf Series)Where stories live. Discover now