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"What's up, dad?" Katherine asked as she answered her phone.

"Is Bella with you?" Charlie asked his voice on edge.

"No we drove separately today. I'm pretty sure she went home. Why? Is everything okay?" Katherine motioned for Jacob to turn off the music.

"Her truck is here but she isn't," Charlie sighed. "Damn it."

"Hey, I'll call Edward and ask him if she's with him. I'm sure she just lost track of time," Katherine assured her father.

"Call me back as soon as you get off the phone with him. She's so in trouble," Charlie said before hanging up.

"Everything okay?" Jacob asked.

"No, Bella must not be answering her phone cause dad is freaking out. I have to call Edward," Katherine said before calling Edward.

The phone rang and rang until it went to voice-mail. Katherine tried Bella and got the same result. She quickly called back her dad.

"I tried both Bella and Edward. Neither answered. Dad, I'm worried," Katherine spoke softly.

"I'm calling in a search party. Ask Billy if him and some guys from the rez will help out," Charlie said.

"Okay," Katherine said emotionless. "Jake, I need you to tell your dad that Bella is missing."


Jacob held Katherine close as the two watched everything going on around them. He kept mumbling things to her to keep her calm.

"What if they don't find her? What if she left with them?" Katherine asked him.

"Don't do that, Kat. She'll be fine," Jacob said calmly.

Internally he was freaked out but he knew both of them panicking wouldn't be good. Jacob looked back and noticed Sam with Bella. He nudged Katherine as he called for Charlie. Katherine cried as Charlie ran towards Sam.

"She's alright," Sam said.

"I got her. Thank you, Sam," Charlie took Bella into his arms.

Sam looked over at Jacob as Katherine nodded to her dad before walking over to Sam and hugged him.

"Thank you," Katherine pulled away and rushed into the house.

Charlie took Bella upstairs and laid her in her bed.

"I got her, dad. Go deal with everyone outside," Katherine patted her father's back.

Katherine helped Bella get dressed into something more comfortable. The two cuddled up in Bella's bed and fell asleep. Charlie checked in on Bella to see that Katherine was  in Bella's bed.


"How is she?" Jacob asked.

"Her nightmares keep everyone up at night. Dad wants to send her to Jacksonville with mom. I'm losing my mind, I need sleep," Katherine shook Jacob back and forth.

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