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Katherine is sat with Charlie watching as Jessica gives her speech before the students graduate. But all Katherine can think about is how the test she took that morning came back positive. She had plans to go to Carlisle and confirm the results with a blood test. Everyone began clapping as students were called. Katherine clapped absent mindedly when Bella's name was called.

Katherine locked eyes with Edward and thought as loud as she could. Tell Carlisle that I need to speak with him in private. Away from your families eavesdropping ears. Edward simply nodded.

"Great now I get to come to this school alone," Katherine rolled her eyes as Charlie and Bella walked next to her.

"As if you need to actually come to the school next year," Bella joked.

"Unfortunately I'll have to attend for P.E.," Katherine whined.

"I'm proud of you Bell's," Charlie sighed. "Can't wait to see what you're going to do next. You girls are my biggest accomplishments."

"Dad," Bella said as she looked up at Charlie. "That's not true."

"Yes, it is. Well, you two will see one day, when you have kids," Charlie said softly.

Katherine's smile fell and her heart sped up. "I um- I need to go find Alice. I told her I'd help set up for the party," she said quickly before walking away to her car.


"Is there a way you could do the test again?" Katherine pleaded.

"Without raising questions and unwanted attention, no. I'm sorry," Carlisle said softly as the two sat on the steps of his home.

"They won't tell anyone right?" Katherine nodded back to his house. "Even Edward. I don't need my sister worrying about me while this whole newborn issue is a thing."

"I'll make sure none of them say anything," Carlisle confirmed.

"Alice saw this didn't she?" Katherine was hoping his answer would be no. Cause a yes ment it was real.

"She told me about it before you asked for the test," Carlisle confirmed her fears.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Katherine bit back tears. "God, this can't be happening right now. I'm such an idiot."


Katherine stood by the fallen tree waiting for the wolves. She noticed Sam first and nodded to him as he walked past. She looked around for Jacob and when she saw him she looked for Seth. When his eyes met hers she looked away as guilt ate at her. Katherine had argued with Sam about whether or not she should be allowed to fight. Sam knew her power was not yet something she could control and it seemed like she'd taken two steps back recently. She had gotten Sam to agree in letting her watch the training the Cullens had invited them to.

Bella and Katherine stood by each other and watched as each Cullen fought in their own ways. Jasper spoke every so often to explain things they should remember. Bella moved over to Jacob and Seth moved over to Katherine.

"If I can't fight then you can't either," Katherine told Seth.

He won't  Sam's voice rang in Katherine's mind.

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