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"No!" Katherine screamed as tears flowed down her eyes Edward quickly looked over at her shocked.

"They'll kill her," Edward growled.

"I can't. I won't be able to stop them. I don't want to hear it anymore. I cant-" Katherine began hyperventilating.

"Kat, you have to breathe," Edward caught her before she fell.

"I can't. They want to kill her. He wants to force Jake to help," Katherine looked up at Edward with fear in her eyes. It was like she was suffocating. Her eyes flashed gold as all the air came rushing back into her lungs.

"What just happened?" Edward searched her mind but the static was back.

"Jake broke away. He wont fight. Seth is with him. They're coming to warn us," Katherine said. Edward quickly left the house. Katherine made her way to Bella. "It'll be okay."


"Everything is crazy," Katherine whispered. "I never imagined all this would happen."

Seth dipped his head and let out a whine.

"I know. I'm fine. It's just weird not being able to hear them anymore," Katherine said.

You too?

"Yeah, the second Jake left all I could hear was him. Then I heard you, then Leah. I know I'm connected to Jake but-"

It doesn't make it less weird.

"Exactly," Katherine paused. "I should get inside before Jake freaks out. Let me know if you or Leah need anything."

Katherine made her way back into the house and headed upstairs to see Jacob throwing a dish at Rosalie. She couldn't help but laugh. The days went by in fear. Carlisle checked on both sisters frequently. Katherine no longer left their home out of fear of never being able to return. Seth and Jacob assured her Sam and his pack would never attack her because she is an imprint. Still her mind wasn't at ease. Esme constantly tried to be kind to Leah but the girl never warmed up to her. Katherine took to making sure Leah ate and was taken care of.

"Leah, you're practically my sister," Katherine sighed. "But this is ridiculous. Esme is only trying to help."

"So," Leah scoffed.

"So, stop being such a bitch. You don't have to like them but you don't have to be a bitch to them either. You and Rose are so much alike that if you were both human I'd worry if you became friends," Katherine scoffed. "Eat and drink some water."

Katherine left the girl and headed back inside only to hear Edward yelling at Bella. She heard that the baby would kill Bella and that there may be no saving her. Katherine made her way to the room they had set up for Katherine. She showered and made her way to bed. She was exhausted and her only escape was sleeping. Jacob eventually made his way into the room.

"How are you feeling?" Jacob asked as he sat next to her.

"Like life is falling apart and I'm going to be stuck raising two kids with only the Cullens for help," Katherine looked away guilty.

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