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Katherine was trying not to cry as Jacob spoke but she had heard enough and decided to walk away and sit further from them in hopes that the waves would drowned out his words. She didn't want to think about how her sisters "death" would devastate their father. Or how Bella would have to leave forever.

"Hey," Seth said as he sat down next to her. "Ignore him. He's just-"

"I know. I just don't want to think about how I'll be losing my sister," Katherine muttered as she put her head on Seth's shoulder.

"How is he?" Seth asked as he placed a hand over her bump.

"A total night owl. I hardly get sleep cause of it. Dad helps but ever since Jake got back it's been worse," Katherine sighed.

"Have you thought of names?" Seth asked eagerly.

"A few. I like River and maybe Dakota or Aleks," Katherine shrugged.

"Dakota? Isn't that a girl's name?" Seth asked.

"No its a unisex name," Katherine chuckled.


"I've been the worst," Jacob said as he sat next to Katherine on her bed.

"Yeah, you have been," Katherine scoffed as she placed a hand over her growing bump. "Do you wanna feel him. He's always active at night."

Katherine lifted her shirt up and grabbed Jacob's hand and placed it on the bump. As soon as his hand was on her tummy the boy began to move around and kick. They both laughed as Jacob looked up at Katherine then back down at the baby.

"Hi," Jacob said to the baby. "I'm your dad," Jacob looked up at Katherine, "that's still weird to say."

"Trust me I'm not used to it and he's growing inside me," Katherine paused. "Do you think that he'll come out like me?"

"Nah, he'll be a wolf," Jacob joked.

"That still worries me. To some degrees I'm one of them. What if his being around me triggers the shift?" Katherine looked down at her belly.

"You're different then them. You don't have venom and you don't always have to feed like they do. You can eat human food. You look human," Jacob layed down next to Katherine.

"My temperature is similar to yours. My heartbeat is crazy fast. And I can move like them," Katherine argued. "I'm still similar to them."

"He's not even born yet and you're worried about things that might not even be a problem," Jacob yawned.

"Charlie will be mad if he sees you in here," Katherine chuckled as she turned to face him.

"Shh, go to sleep," Jacob closed his eyes. Katherine fell asleep as did Jacob.

Charlie went to check on Katherine and saw Jacob sleeping next to her above the covers she was under. Charlie let out a sigh and shook his head. He grabbed a blanket from the chair in her room and placed it over Jacob before walking away.


"Hey," Katherine answered the phone with a smile. "How's the honeymoon?"

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