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"Headache?" Bella asked as she watched her sister stumble out of her room. The sun had just started peeking through the trees.

"Every morning it's like the sun is screaming at me the second it starts popping up between those loud annoy trees," Katherine grumbled.

"Trees don't really make sound," Bella watched the younger girl wipe away the sleep from her eyes. "And if the sun is screaming it's definitely too far for us to hear it."

"Whatever, is Edweirdo driving us to school again?" Katherine asked as she headed to the bathroom.

"You have got to stop calling him that," Bella groaned.

"Doesn't answer my question," Katherine muttered as she brushed her teeth.

"Call him by his name and then I'll answer you," Bella placed a hand on her hip.

"Okay, sorry Mom," Katherine rolled her eyes. After she rinsed out her mouth she spoke again, "Eddie-Freddie." Bella grimaced. "What that's a good one." Katherine sighed, "Fine. Edward-o." A smile plastered itself onto Katherine's face as she walked back into her room.

"How are we related?" Bella called from behind her sister's closed door.

"I ask myself the same question. You know, 'cause I'm graceful and you're like a baby horse trying to walk for the first time," Katherine answered as she opened her door. A horn sounded from outside. "Oh look, McDreamy is here to sweep you off your feet. He'll carry you into the sunset and you'll have sparkly little babies."

"You're so weird," Bella mumbled as she walked down the stairs.

As the two got out to the car, Edward seemed to be trying to stifle a laugh. Bella rolled her eyes and flushed red knowing he had heard what Katherine said.

"Can we listen to something that isn't classical music? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it but I'd like to be awake for the rest of the day," Katherine complained from the backseat. Edward ignored her and played the music anyway. "Great, the sleep doctor is at it again," she muttered to herself.


Kit Kat
Why is math so boring?

Same reason history class makes you sleepy 😴

Quil Cam
I can hear your snoring in science 😁

Try sitting next to him

Kit Kat
I'm being serious. I'm about to fall asleep 🥲

Quil Cam
So just sleep. Better than actually paying attention in math 🙄

Kit Kat
Eat dirt 🖕

You two should just kiss already

Kit Kat

Quil Cam
I'd rather eat my shoes

Do it. I'll give you $20

Quil Cam
I hate you 😑

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