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"You imprinted on my daughter?" Bella yelled.

"It wasn't my choice!" Jacob tried to reason.

"She's a baby!" Bella spat.

"It's not like that. You think Edward would let me live if it was?" Jacob asked.

"I'm still debating it," Edward said to Bella.

"Not helping," Katherine rolled her eyes.

"I've held her once! One time, Jacob! And already you think you have some moronic wolfy claim on her?" Bella stalked closer to Jacob. "She's mine!"

Bella hit Jacob causing him to fall to the floor. Leah and Seth came over to defend him.

"It's fine, Leah," Jacob assured the wolf's.

"You're gonna stay away from her," Bella demanded.

"Bella," Katherine called.

"No, leave it," Edward told her.

"You know I can't do that," Jacob told Bella.

Bella punched Jacob causing him to go flying backwards.

"Stop her, Edward," Esme pleaded.

"He said it's fine," Edward countered. "She's amazing, right?"

Leah and Seth moved closer to Jacob. Katherine moved to stop Bella but Jasper pulled her back.

"It's not safe," Jasper whispered to her as he looked down at her bump. Katherine sighed and stayed next to him and Alice.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me 3 days ago? That's gone now, right?" Jacob asked.

"Long gone," Bella assured him.

"Because it was her. From the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there," Jacob explained.

"Nessie? You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness monster?" Bella yelled before moving to attack Jacob.

Seth moved to defend Jacob but Bella just threw him aside. Seth collided with a tree

"Seth!" Katherine ran to Seth to check on him.

Leah and Jacob followed. "Seth, are you okay?" Jacob asked.

Katherine moved from Seth's side and shoved Bella. "What the fuck, Bella. Do you not think?" Katherine had tears in her eyes.

"Seth, I'm sorry," Bella apologized no longer mad.

"He'll be alright," Jacob said as he backed away from the two wolves.

Katherine shook her head and went back to Seth's side. Leah nudged Seth as Katherine placed her head on his.

"Bella, you know me better than anyone
All I want is for Ness. Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You. Me. Any of it. And now I understand why. This was the reason," Jacob explained.

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