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"Wow, um- you're sure?" Jacob said in shock.

"I wouldn't be telling you if I wasn't. If you want you don't have to-" Katherine began.

"No. I do. I think," Jacob shook his head. "I'm just shocked. That's all. I stupidly didn't think this would happen."

"Neither did I. I guess we just weren't thinking. You know Charlie is going to try to kill you, right?" Katherine looked down at her hands.

"You haven't told him?" Jacob asked. Katherine shook her head in response. "Who else knows?"

"Bella and the Cullens," Katherine said softly.

"Great. So the Cullens knew before I did?" Jacob scoffed.

"I went to Carlisle to make sure. His family kind of found out cause they don't know how to stop listening to things that don't involve them. It also didn't help that Alice had a vision of this," Katherine motioned to her stomach.

"How far along?" Jacob asked.

"It's the 20th so a little over a month," Katherine shrugged. "Only reson I even found out so early was cause I normally start on the first of the month."

"Start?" Jacob questioned.

"You have two older sisters I'm sure you can figure it out," Katherine chuckled.

"Oh!" Jacob flushed red. "Right."

"I'm not gonna lie. Im totally scared," Katherine bit back tears.

"Hey, come here," Jacob pulled her into a hug. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here every step. Okay?"

"Promise?" Katherine sniffled.

"Promise," Jacob assured her.

"We have to tell Charlie," Katherine sighed.

"Maybe we tell my dad first," Jacob suggested.

"Maybe it would be quicker if we told them at the same time," Katherine backed away. "Also could you avoid shifting till we tell the pack. I don't want it to be something that shocks Seth more then it normally would."

"Then maybe we tell the pack next then our parents," Jacob suggested.

"No way. I don't trust that one of them wouldn't let it slip to one of the elders and next thing I know Billy and Charlie know and we didn't tell them. We tell our dad's tonight. Tomorrow we deal with the others," Katherine shook her head.

"Fine," Jacob nodded.


"Please just stay for it. Please. I need you," Katherine begged Bella as Jacob set the table.

"Fine. But I'm not promising anything," Bella warned.

"Thanks," Katherine smiled as she strained the pasta.

"Smells good," Charlie said as he walked into the house. "You staying?"

"Yes, he is. So is Jake," Katherine smiled as she handed Bella the noodles to mix in with the sauce. "And you guys are just in time."

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