Chapter 13 (What did I get myself into again)

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"BEEEEP" my alarm clock was starting to constantly beep and I fell face flat on the floor, trying to turn it off.

"UGGGGHHH WHYYY MOM, I DONT WANNA DO CHORES TODAY BLAHJDDKKSJSJD" I yelled half asleep as I got back up and finally turned my alarm clock off.

I heard no response, humm. That's weird.

"MOM?" I yelled again silently listening for a response.

"Oh great...another note." I sighed as I walked up to my desk.

"DRING DRING" My phone vibrated, then "Bae ❤️" appeared on my screen notifications.

"Must be Kian, what does he want 😄"

"Hey Julie! Looking forward to our date this evening, I have something really special planned out since we haven't really seen each other for a loooooong time, love u! 💕😊" Kian texted.

OH CRAP I HAVE A DATE WITH JACK AND KIAN AT THE SAME TIME AND THE SAME PLACE TOO!!! WHAT DO I DO. I CANT CANCEL IT NOW! I DONT WANNA MAKE THEM FEEL SAD. Wait did I just say I have a date with Jack!? I thought it was just hanging out...oh god I'm in love with Jack Gillinsky....and Kian Lawley......

I fainted on the floor for about 20 minutes and hit my head extremely hard on the wooden floor.

~20 minutes later~

"Julie? Honey are you alright? What happened?" I heard my mom say as she tried to pick me up but failed and dropped me again.

"OWWW MOM!" I yelled.

"Oopsy sorry honey!" She said back.

"But seriously what happened are you ok! Do you need an ambulance I'm calling 911 right now" My mom said, taking her phone out and dialing the police.

"No mom I'm fine! It's just a little concussion I'm ok I swear!" I yelled holding her hand to get up again.

"Julie! What happened!!!" My mom said, handing me a drink of water.

"Oh i don't know....I guess I just fell or something idk I just wanna continue with life and forget this ever happened!" I yelled.

"Um ok ok...."

"Where were you!" I asked furiously.

"Julie, I was in the st-"

"Save it! You always keep going to the store and you never care about me and you try to make me feel miserable about my life by making my babysit some dumb little children who's brother kissed me and now I don't know whether to I should decide Kian or Jack! Just stop doing everything your ruining my life!" I yelled, making a huge commotion and slamming the door as I left to sob in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry Julie:(" my mom said right after I closed the bathroom door.

"wait he kissed you?"


Approximately 3 hours later, (still in the bathroom) I finally realized I was late for Kian and Jack's date.

"How am I gonna do this! I can't date two guys at the same time! That counts as cheating on Kian! I don't wanna cheat on my hubby bubby ;(" I said to myself.

"Unless...... I go to both at the same time....😌"

It's only 1 date with bad could it be? I quickly dressed up fancily but not too fancy since we're going to a food truck... I put on a crop top saying "Pizza" and some shorts too with a pair of gray converse. Putting my hair in a messy bun, I rapidly put on some makeup, smokey eye shadow and cat eye liner.

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