Chapter 1 - Rescuing

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I didn't know how long I had been sitting in the train, my hands tied together with a chain. Maybe just a few hours, maybe days, or maybe even months. I couldn't tell. It felt like it had been a long time, though.

The fact that it was getting harder for me to remember what Newt or Logan looked like, hit me hard. I hadn't talked to anyone in a long time and I didn't know where Minho was. WICKED took him too, but we weren't in the same wagon. Who knew if Minho even was near me? Maybe they took him somewhere else.

Sonya and Aris sat a few rows in front of me. Just looking at Sonya made me miss Newt. I never got the chance to tell him Sonya was his sister. I was wondering if I ever would get the chance.

All of it was awful. I had tried to resist, but that was a bad decision. I didn't have a mirror but was sure there was a nasty wound on my cheek. A guard had done that.

The food they gave us was minimum. It was barely a sandwich a day. I wondered how long I would last. Of course, I wouldn't just die in my place, but sometimes it felt like I would. Or rather, I wished I could. I had no idea where any of my friends were and if I ever got to see them again.

All the emotions were bawling up in my stomach again. Just as always I craved for relief. But with my hands tied I didn't make much chance. I felt the same as when Chuck died. Empty.


Suddenly I heard footsteps on top of the wagon. With all the energy I had, I looked up, confused. I saw nothing and thought I was turning crazy, until a few minutes later, the wagon came to a sudden stop. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked around in the wagon. Everyone seemed just as confused as me, but no one talked.

Someone or something started banging on the steel wagon walls. "Nora? Minho?"

My breathing hitched when I recognized the familiar British accent. Was it really true? Was Newt actually there? 'Newt?' I whispered.

The other kids in my wagon started screaming and soon I joined in, yelling the Gladers their names, hoping they would recognize my voice. After two minutes or so, everyone was silent again and so was everything outside. I sighed lightly and hoped something would happen. I wanted to see Newt again so badly. I had missed him so much.

Gunshots hit my wagon and I heard multiple sounds.

"Newt! Hurry up!"

"Don't rush me."


"Come on!"

I was so happy that tears formed in my eyes. There was no way this wasn't real. Someone moved on top of the wagon again.

"Newt, get up here!"

More gunshots. For a few seconds, I was scared. Scared one of them would get shot. For the next five minutes, I heard more shouts, gunshots, and noises. I was a little overwhelmed by everything that happened, but also cheerful. The wagon got lifted and dragged through the air.


After a while, the wagon I was in seemed to come in contact with the ground again. With a weird feeling in my stomach, I saw the door open. Then I gasped. Thomas and Newt walked into the wagon, looking around.

Then Newt's eyes met mine. His whole face lit up and so did his eyes. Without saying anything, Thomas handed Newt a bolt cutter. The blonde boy cut the chains on my hands and freed me.

With tears falling down my cheeks, I hugged Newt tighter than I ever did before. I took up the familiar smell again as I cried into his shoulder. Newt put a hand on my head and held me tightly too. I was so happy to see him. Finally, I felt a little less empty again.

𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 ➂ - The Death Cure, NewtWhere stories live. Discover now