Chapter 3 - Masks

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"Where are we going?" I asked, still in the backseat of the car.

"To the city," Jorge replied. "We're gonna check out those walls."

"What about Logan?" I questioned, offended by the fact they were just leaving him. "He goes with us."

Newt sighed. "We'll see Logan later."
It was clear Newt still didn't like Logan and I was getting sick of it.

Anger rose in my chest, faster than usual. "I'm not going without Logan! So turn the shuckin' car around right now and drive back to Logan."

Everyone seemed surprised by the sudden outburst, but Jorge obeyed and drove back to the Right Arm.


"Where the hell have you been?" Logan immediately raised his voice at us.

"We'll talk later," Newt sternly responded as he put some stuff in a bag. "Gotta go now."

"Where to?" Logan frowned. He didn't know what was going on or what happened.

"The Last City," Jorge replied. "Hop in."


We walked through a very crowded place. People were pushing, pulling, and screaming. They were protesting against WICKED.

"This place has really gone through hell," Jorge mumbled as we pushed ourselves through the crowd.

"We just gotta stay together," Thomas ordered. Newt grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, but I let go off his hand. Newt couldn't come near me. He luckily didn't seem to notice.

"We are the voice of the voiceless!" A man yelled through a microphone. "They hide behind their walls, thinking they can keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither and rot!"

A car drove by. Multiple men sat on the car. Masks covered their faces. One of the men looked at me. Though I couldn't see his face, a strange feeling formed in my stomach.

"But there are more of us than there are of them. And I say, we rise up and take back what is ours!
Let's bring back a victory!"

Everyone started yelling as they walked toward the giant walls.

People screamed the same thing over and over again. "Let us in!"

Thomas looked at the walls. "That's it. That's our way in." The boy didn't hesitate to quicken his pace.

"Thomas!" I yelled. He was walking way too fast and we were losing him.

"This is not what you're looking for," Jorge shouted. "All these people trying to find their way in, you think you're gonna find something they can't?"

"Came this far," Thomas replied. "I'm not turning back now."

I sighed and walked closer to Logan, kind of afraid of what would happen. Some people were turning violent.

"What the hell did we get ourselves into?" Logan muttered.

"Thomas, this doesn't feel right," Frypan commented, but Thomas kept walking. I glanced at Logan.

"Hey, guys, we gotta go now." Newt suddenly said. With wide eyes, he looked at something. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at the same thing as Newt. Guards stood on top of the walls, getting their guns and bombs ready.

"Let's go, let's go!"

People started screaming and running away.

"Nora, let's go." Logan grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. Suddenly the ground started to shake and I heard a loud explosion. I screamed and started running, feeling more explosions behind me. People got thrown in the air.

"We gotta get out of here!" Logan kept holding my arm and pulled me around a corner. The others followed and soon we were in an alley.

Frightened by all the sounds around me, I saw multiple black buses driving into the alley. Confused I watched the doors open and people in masks jump out. When one of them suddenly roughly grabbed me, Newt started screaming.

"Don't touch her, you bloody...!"

They didn't listen and threw me into one of the buses. By the time Newt and Logan got grabbed too, both resisting.

"Let go off her!" Newt screamed again, trying to push the guard off of him. When I saw Newt and Logan getting pushed into the same bus, I knew it wouldn't end very well. Both of them were angry already.
The door of the bus I was in got closed and everything was silent again.

A bit afraid I looked at the masked guy in front of me. He didn't say anything and I decided it would be best I didn't either.


After a while, I finally got off the bus again. I noticed Thomas, Frypan, and Brenda already standing in the area, but I couldn't see the others yet. Still worried about them, I looked around. We were in an open area. Multiple men, also masked, stood in corners of the room, looking at us. Most of them had guns in their hands.

My attention got drawn to a bus driving into the area. It wasn't supposed to move up and down, but it did. Grunts and yells came out of the trunk when the door got opened. Then everything happened very fast.

A guy jumped out of the bus and tried to run away, but Logan jumped right on top of him, followed by a very angry-looking Newt. The three of them started to fight and I couldn't even tell if Newt was fighting Logan or the masked guy. Maybe even both.

"Newt!" I yelled for them to stop. "Logan, stop!"

They didn't seem to hear me since they kept punching.

"Well, that's..." Frypan started, shaking his head.

"Newt!" I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him off the guy. Finally, his gaze softened and he hugged me tightly. Surprised and hesitantly I hugged back. Logan wiped some blood off his mouth and looked at me too.
"What the hell were you thinking?" I raised my voice at them.

"They touched you!" Newt defended.

I palmed my face but looked up again when another bus drove by. It was also shaking heavily. When it came to a stop, Jorge jumped on top of a man.

"Where is she?" He yelled before throwing out another punch. The man under him almost seemed lifeless.

"I'm here!" Brenda jumped into action. "I'm right here!"

Jorge stopped punching and looked up. Once he saw Brenda his eyes turned softer and he got off the floor.

"Everybody relax." A strange, but familiar voice said. "We're all on the same side here."

"What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?" Thomas looked at the masked guy who was talking.

Slowly he pulled his mask off and revealed his face to us.

"Hey, Greenie."


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