Chapter 12 - "You Promised, Nor."

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I looked at her fully black eyes and the veins that popped out. Suddenly she screamed and ran over to me, pushing me to the ground. I was stunned by her sudden action and had to recover for a few seconds.

"Nora!" I pushed her off me and tried to get up, but she jumped on top of me again.
"Nora, it's me!" We rolled over the ground. I didn't even get what we were fighting for, but I guessed the Crank in Nora took over.

When I pushed Nora off me one more time, she threw up some more black liquid. "Newt, kill me." She coughed. My stomach dropped. I wasn't going to kill Nora, the love of my life. Never.

Then she turned angry again. She sat on top of me and started hitting me with her arms.

"Nora, please! Stop!" I managed to say. Weird, choking noises escaped from her mouth. Her gaze softened and her breaths were starting to turn steadier.

"I'm sorry, Newt. I love you." Nora said before grabbing a gun out of her pocket and putting it on her head.

"No!" I screamed, throwing the gun out of her hands. She let out a mad yell and tried to fight me again, but I pushed her off me with my elbow. I felt so bad for hurting her, no matter if she was a Crank or not.

Nora got on her hands and knees. With heavy breaths, she pulled something else out of her waistband. A knife. Suddenly she almost sliced my stomach with it, causing me to fall.

"Nora! Stop!" I screamed when she tried to push the knife into my chest. It's not her. It's not her. It's not her. I kept repeating in my head.

Nora was strong. Much stronger than usual. She could easily beat me, which I wasn't used to.
Slowly the knife moved into my chest. I screamed in pain. The burning feeling in my chest kept going until I elbowed Nora off me again. Then I hit her in the face, causing her to wince. I really didn't want to hurt her, but I didn't have another choice.

Nora looked at me threateningly, running over to me. She swung the knife to the right and to the left, trying to hit me. I took steps back, but she kept going. She almost sliced my skin multiple times, but I only cared about saving her. She suddenly grabbed my shoulder and moved the knife one more time, but then all her movements stopped. She let out some gasps and grunts but then turned quiet.

Slowly I let go of her. My mouth fell open. The knife Nora held ended up right in the middle of her chest. My heart broke into pieces and it felt like my whole world fell apart into a deep, dark abyss.

"Nora," I whispered. She stared at me with her black eyes for a few seconds before letting herself fall. I caught her body and lay her down on the ground. I couldn't tell if she was breathing, but her chest didn't move anymore. Tears started to form in my eyes and soon they all dropped like a waterfall.

"Nora, wake up," I ordered through my cries. "Please, Nor. Just wake up. You- you promised me. Remember? You promised." Tears streamed down my face, wetting Nora's chest. I looked at her lifeless body. She couldn't be dead. She couldn't. She couldn't. She couldn't. She was strong.

I noticed Brenda running over to us, but she stopped right in her tracks when she saw the situation. The serum was in her hands.

"Brenda, give her the serum." I sobbed. It was the last thing I could try to do.

"Newt, she is—"

"Give her the goddamn serum!" All my pain formed into a loud scream. Brenda rushed over to me and stabbed Nora in the neck with the syringe. No movement.

"She's gonna make it," I said. "She will."

"She's already-."

"No. She's gonna make it." I interrupted Brenda. More tears streamed down my face when Nora didn't move. "Come on, Nora. Shit. Come on. Wake up." I cried.

With the last energy I had, I started mouth-to-mouthing Nora and pressing on her chest. Brenda just watched me and didn't say anything. I would do everything I could to save Nora. Even dying.
I would die for her.

She had to make it. I couldn't go on with my life without Nora. "Come on, Nora. Wake up. You can do it. Come on." I kept pressing on her chest. "Do I pull the knife out, Brenda?" I panicked and gave her a helpless look.

"I don't know." She stammered. Just then Minho who was followed by Gally walked into the area. Minho's mouth fell open when he saw me and Brenda bent down next to Nora.

"Shit." He muttered once he saw the knife.

"Help, Minho!" I cried. "Just do something!" I started to feel worse every second. Like my life just stopped. What if the knife hit the wrong place in her body? Like her heart. She wouldn't be able to survive that.

After at least two more minutes of trying to save Nora, I gave up, but never accepted the fact she was dead. She couldn't be. "You promised." I buried my head into her chest and started crying again, not that I ever stopped doing so.
"Please wake up, love. You promised, Nor."

I would've sworn I felt her chest move for a slight second. Immediately I let go of her and stared at her lifeless body. When a small wince escaped from Nora's mouth, I believed it. I believed she was alive.

"Come on." I smiled through my tears. Then I realized the Berg wasn't far away from us. "Help me, Minho," I ordered. We picked Nora up and started lifting her to the Berg.

I wasn't completely sure if she was actually alive, but I believed she was.

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