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                “Violet, wake up, we are landing.” Liam whispered to me lifting my head off his shoulder.

                There was too much going through my head to reply, so I just nodded and went through all the possibilities of what could happen when I get home.

                Liam and I got a taxi and rode another half an hour before we arrived at our house.

                I figured that my mom inviting a bunch of people for my arrival home like last time would be the worst that could happen, and when we pulled up to my house I was greeted with even more cars than last time, not that I was really surprised though.

                I groaned at the fact that I would actually have to act happy for all these people when in reality I couldn’t be any more miserable.

                “I tried to tell mom not to invite a lot of people because I knew you wouldn’t like that, but you know how she is.” Liam said grabbing some of our bags from the trunk of the cab.

                “Yeah I know how she is, but I don’t feel like dealing with everyone right now.” I replied with a sigh, also picking up a few things from the trunk.

                “She’s just happy you’re home.”

                “I know.” I said while pulling money out of my wallet and handing it to the taxi driver.

                I ignored his thank you dragged my bags behind me into the house when I was immediately in the arms of my mother.

                “Oh Violet! I missed you so much!” She sobbed into my shoulder.

                I couldn’t move my arms to wrap them around her so I just stood there awkwardly in her arms not knowing what to do.

                “You know mom, I’m not going to be here twenty four, seven anymore so you are going to have to let go a little at some point.” I said trying to lift her arms off me.

                I heard the door open again behind me, and the arms trapping me were dropped.

                “Oh Liam thank you for bringing her home for me!” My over dramatic mother cooed.

                I wasn’t interested in their conversation and anybody else in my house at the moment, so I took my mother’s distraction as a way to go to my room and hopefully hide from everyone.

                As I walked to the staircase I smiled and said hi to the different family members I passed, but didn’t stay long enough to answer any questions they had about my time in Ireland.

                I tried to make it up the stairs as fast as I could, but couldn’t get away quite fast enough due to my bags being such a hindrance.

                “Violet!” I heard my mom call after me.

                I kept trying to make my way up the stairs, making it seem like I didn’t hear her, but soon enough she was right at my side.

                “Violet, you don’t have to unpack yet.” She said grabbing one of my bags from me.

                “Mom, I’m just putting my stuff in my room and I’ll be back okay.” I said taking my bag back from her.

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