Fighter #03 - Link

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- Link spends a lot of time outside doing archery practice. He sets up targets in tons of different spots and spends an hour or two shooting them.

- Sephiroth is very intrigued as to how the Sheikah Slate works. He's threatened Link numerous times in an attempt to get it for himself. When this happens, Cloud usually steps in and sticks up for him, to which Sephiroth says, "There's no point in trying to ward me off, Cloud. You know better than anyone that I always come back," (bro's like William Afton for real). At this stage, Master Hand has to take care of it.

- Link and Cloud are really good friends. They both understand what it's like to be constantly pursued by their greatest enemies. Ganondorf and Sephiroth just won't leave them alone.

- He really likes pinwheels for some reason. Villager made him a couple for his birthday and he could not have been happier.

- He always keeps his Ancient Arrows under lock and key. Hylia knows what will happen if someone got their hands on those.

- Wii Fit Trainer is his go-to gal for anxiety relief. Link's usually a calm guy, but when he gets anxious, it gets really bad. He's discovered that, during times like these, yoga helps him tremendously.

- He and Cloud secretly love watching Thundercats! Cloud has all of the episodes on DVD, so on their nights off, the two will binge-watch it in Cloud's room. Whoever's going grocery shopping for the week always buys TONS of popcorn in advance because these two would go through the entire stash otherwise.

- He's very good at slight-of-hand and is better at it than Mario. Ness and Lucas think this is super cool and always ask him to do coin tricks.

- When Link first saw the item rack, he was flabbergasted. Like they use Cuccos here? Seriously?! How is everyone still alive?! If that wasn't weird enough, there was an odd drone resembling a beetle that looked strangely familiar to him. Link's sure he's never seen it before, but for some reason, he just can't shake the feeling that he's connected to it somehow.

- When he first joined Smash, Link didn't recognize Ganondorf. He actually tried to have a normal conversation with him, but got completely ignored. When he told Zelda about it, she revealed that the rude man was actually Ganon. As soon as she said this, Link suddenly went into hero mode and tried attacking the Gerudo menace. Marth, Roy, and Ike all had to restrain him. 

- During his first few days in Smash, Link's anxiety levels were through the roof. Considering how many villains there were living in the same house, he had a very bad feeling about the whole thing. He kept waiting for something catastrophic to happen, but to his surprise, nothing did. After a few weeks, he began to calm down.

- He loves taking walks in the forest. He has to keep his guard up though, or else he'll get stampeded by the Kongs when they go on their forest runs.

- Along with Villager and the other Links, he'll give advice to the others on how to maximize pocket space (all of them carry so much stuff, it's insane).

- If anyone ever needs extra sword polish, he's got them covered! There's a big supply of it in the weapon repair room, but Link has high-quality stuff from Hyrule.

- His favorite color is green. He kinda wishes the Zelda from his world made his tunic green instead of blue.

- To say the least, Link was very confused when he first met Zelda and the other Links. Zelda sat him down and explained to him that she, Link, and Ganon were all part of an endless reincarnation cycle. She told him that she was a past incarnation of the Zelda he knew from his world, Young Link and Toon Link were past incarnations of himself, and the Ganon he tried killing the other day was a past incarnation of Calamity Ganon. It explained why the Gerudo King was so cold toward him, and also why he felt strange connections to certain items. It took Link a while to process all of this at first, but was eventually able to wrap his head around it.

- He keeps a close eye on Ganondorf, no matter what. If the King of Darkness decides to pull something evil, Link feels it's his responsibility to deal with him.

- Link and the Fire Emblem fighters help maintain order within the mansion. If a fight breaks out, they're the first ones to stop it.

- He loves going to the stables! Young Link often joins him to take care of the horses.

- He's such a gentleman, always opening doors for people or letting them borrow his hood if the weather's unpleasant.

- Link has a lot of strange dreams, most of which he'll only tell Cloud about

- Sometimes, he follows Zelda around out of habit. She constantly has to remind him that he's free to do whatever he wants and she's fine on her own.

- He's constantly gets recognized by Assist Trophies from his past lives, which always makes him confused. Seeing Ghirahim for the first time was an absolute nightmare, and the first question that Midna asked him was "Can I have a wolfback ride?". Needless to say, it was awkward as hell.

- He likes feeding birds with Robin sometimes. Out of all the birds he's seen, egrets are his favorite.

- Once in a blue moon, it seems like his shadow takes on a mind of its own. No one, not even Cloud, believes him and sometimes, he doesn't sleep because of it. There was one night where he looked in the mirror and he could've sworn he saw red eyes staring at him from behind.

- Link and Cloud play fetch with Pikachu all the time.

- Link's always doing heroic poses, so the villains frequently mock him. 

- Dark Pit makes fun of the Master Sword a lot, calling it a giant glow-stick.

- He has the aim of a traditional Portuguese mother (meaning it's godly).

- Link has a really big heart. No, seriously, have you seen the size of his Heart Containers?

- Pit is taking archery classes from him. Dark Pit can ridicule Link all he wants, but the man is a really good teacher.

- Ganondorf makes at least one snide remark to him a day.

- He's a symbol of courage, and the younger fighters aspire to be as brave as him.

- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is the main theme from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's a song that he knows completely, not something vaguely familiar from his past lives, and it fills him with courage and determination.

Note: It doesn't matter which Link you're talking about, they're all wonderful characters! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Next up, an intergalactic bounty hunter who's journeyed across numerous planets.

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