Fighter #09 - Luigi

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- Luigi's kinda scared of portrait paintings. He hates going past the 'Everyone Is Here' mural in the first floor hallway because he feels like Sora's eyes are following him.

- He usually gets put on laundry duty. The laundry machines in the mansion are super high-tech with tons of random settings, so when Luigi first saw them, he got really confused. He nearly blew up the dryer twice trying to figure out which button started the wash.

- A history buff, Luigi has read every historical book he could find in the library.

- Back in the day, Luigi actually developed and sold his own energy drink. It was an instant hit, but then Waluigi convinced him to take a bad deal and he lost the rights to everything.

- His favorite chore to do around the mansion is vacuuming. He's had plenty of experience with a vacuum from both practical and impractical standpoints.

- He gets flustered when someone compliments him, especially if that someone is Daisy.

- Luigi is, without a doubt, the king of belly flops.

- He has a hidden talent for modeling.

- He's honestly surprised by how many fans he has. He thought Mario would get all the attention (not that he minds, he usually doesn't like being in the spotlight anyway).

- Luigi still gets scared easily, but he's built up a stronger fear tolerance thanks to the multiple haunted locations he's been in.

- He was bullied back in high school, but now those bullies look up to him.

- Roy (FE) ruthlessly teases him all the time, but it's all in good nature.

- He prefers his birthdays to be celebrated in a low-key way, but living in Smash Mansion makes that impossible.

- He used to have severe arachnophobia. Once, Roy captured a spider and dangled it in front of Luigi's face to freak him out. It worked, but it worked a little too well. Luigi jumped so high from being scared that his head hit the ceiling. He had to stay in bed for a couple days afterward. Roy ordered him some pizza as an apology. Since then, Luigi was able to overcome his fear of spiders.

- This poor guy has a lot of nightmares, as well as some confusing dreams. One of his strangest ones was of Incineroar chasing him on a treadmill. He has no idea what that was about.

- He takes melatonin gummies every night.

- Luigi sleepwalks a lot and usually wakes up to find himself outside.

- He formed a drama club with Robin, Chrom, Lucina, Hero, Zelda, Byleth, Marth, and Rosalina. They invited a couple more fighters to join, but those are still pending. They get together every week and perform plays with each other. They're really enthusiastic about it; they have homemade costumes and everything.

- He has a bowtie collection. Each one is for a different occasion, some of which are extremely specific. One of his favorites is a green one with white polka dots, which is worn only for eating pizza on a Thursday.

- Luigi is better at pinball than Waluigi. The scrawny villain refuses to admit it, but it's true.

- For their first date, Luigi and Daisy went strawberry picking.

- Luigi is a menace with a water gun during the summertime. Seriously, this dude has a sniper shot.

- He gets sunburns easily and could probably burn in fluorescent lighting if he tried hard enough. One time, Ridley wanted to be mean and see how long it took for him to get a sunburn. When Luigi wasn't looking, he snatched his sunscreen. It only took about ten minutes for Luigi to become as red as a lobster. Ridley was quite literally rolling on the floor, howling with laughter. For the rest of that week, he couldn't pass Luigi in the hallway without snickering.

- Luigi has sensitive skin, so he uses special soaps, creams, and lotions that are nice and delicate. All of them are scented with tea tree oil.

- Waluigi keeps trying to steal his girl. Bro thinks that if he just gives her a rose and a flashy smile, she'll fall head over heels with him. He believes that he has what the kids call "W Rizz". Luigi's secretly jealous because he thinks Waluigi has more charm than he does. Because of this, he's kinda scared that Daisy will leave him, but in reality, he has nothing to worry about—Daisy loves this adorable dork. Besides, Waluigi's the type of guy to actually like the scent of Axe Body Spray. Him and Wario both.

- Inuit kisses (nose nuzzles) and boops on the nose are Luigi and Daisy's primary forms of affection.

- Mario constantly has to remind him that Diddy Kong is DK's nephew, not his son.

- He and Mario used to be paper boys when they were younger. Whenever Luigi sees a newspaper, he gets nostalgic.

- He cries every time he watches a sad movie.

- Luigi ate a bad shroom outside once and had the weirdest trip ever. He honestly doesn't remember much about it other than that it was weird. Diddy Kong found him lying outside muttering something about a big, black tumbleweed coming to take his soul.

- He can pop his shoulder out of his socket at will.

- He can also make fart noises with his armpit. Mario's been jealous of this since the third grade.

- Whenever he greets somebody, he uses finger guns.

- Whenever he takes a shower, he blasts music and quietly sings along.

- Bewear is his buddy. Luigi wants to hug him so badly, but doesn't want to get his spine crushed.

- He dropkicked Wario once for insulting Daisy. After that, he kept Daisy's name out of his mouth for good.

- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is the Luigi's Mansion main theme from Ultimate. This went from a tune he sang when he was scared to a song he plays when he's about to get crafty on the battlefield.

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