PT 1.

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I sit on my throne, twin to the one next to it whose it belongs to is The High King of Elfham. The High King sits in his throne as Folk dance around. I give a glance at Cardan, The High King who is also my husband, gold is smeared across his cheeks and his lips are lined with gold as well. He wears a grand crown at the top of his head, his raven hair falls over to one eye.
I used to hate him, I used to despise him and want him dead. And now all I want is him which sickens me because all I really knew in my life was hatred.
My guard, Fand, stands at my side. Her armor glistening in the lights of the palace. I used to want to be where she was, protecting a royal. And now I am something I have never dreamed of being.

"My sweet Jude." I hear a voice say, I turn to look at the voice's owner, and it was Cardan's voice.

"Yes?" I ask, he slumps in his chair ovibously a bit drunk.

"I want to visit the Mortal World and experince all this stuff Oak and Taryn and Vivi have mentioned." He says, I snort a bit. The High King? In the mortal world? Thats something new.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because it seems fun, we can stay with Vivi, Heather and Oak for a bit and get away from all this royal stuff." He says while reaching for my hand, I allow him to take my hand. He looks me in the eyes as he kisses it. His lips are soft against my hand.

"Maybe." I say while taking my hand back.

"This is boring." Carden says drunkly while his head rolls to one side.

"Well then why did you decide to do this then?" I ask gestuering to the scene around us.

"Because my sweet sweet nemisis." He says. I look away from him. I loom back out at the crowd, I see the Bomb standing in a corner with the Roach, the Ghost is off dancing with my sister Taryn. A few more members of the Court of Shadows stand along the sides. A few in the rafts to make sure there would be no assianation attempts towards the crown. Grima Mog is talking with Baphne who looks quiet uncomfortable to be talking with the canniabl redcap.
I really don't want to go to the mortal world mainly because my foster father, Madoc, is exiled there. Along with Oak's mother Orinna.

"How long must this go on for?" I ask Cardan.

"It can end whenever you wish." Cardan says, I stand up and look at him.

"Well I am off to our chambers." I say before walking away. Fand tries to follow but I wave her off. I walk down the palace halls and into mine and Carden's chambers which are enormous. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the tap before I let the hot steamy water pour into the bath. I strip off my dress that seems to have been spun from stars itself. I take off my crown and set it down on my pile of clothes. I take out my hair that was shaped as ram horns and I step into the bath.


I must've fallen asleep in the bath because I am startled by the giant doors to the bathroom opening. "Ah there you are Jude." Cardan says while smiling at me before looking at me fully. I try to cover up my body. But he only smiles. "Oh don't worry about covering up I mean I've seen you pently of times naked before, why should now be so different?" He says.
I roll my eyes before I start to wash out my hair. Cardan walks over to the bath and looks at me in my eyes.

"I was doing a bit of thinking." He says.

"Thats a very dangrous thing you know." I say.

"Im being serious." He says but I can see a bit of a smile on his face. "Anways I was thinking." He says.


"What if we were to have out own kin? So Oak wouldn't have to take the throne, we could have our own heir." He says, I freeze, it's really uncommon for Folk to have children so when they want to they normally get them with mortals.

"I-bu-" I sputter out.

"I know it sounds silly but I think Oak would really apprecate not having to be king." Cardan says.

"Cardan, uh, thats a big thing." I say, he smiles and kisses my head.

"I know." He says, "just think on it." He gets up and head for the doors, he closes them behind him as he leaves me there alone with my thoughts.

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