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"Your dad is huge!" Ron says, "and your mom is so small."

"They aren't my real parents Ron, Madoc is my older sister Vivene's dad. He adopted me and my dumb bitch of a twin sister Taryn." I say.

"Gosh, how could you hate your own flesh and blood? Escpecially if your idential." Molly says, "sorry my dear, didn't mean to butt in. But I have two twin boys and they never leave each others side. And so its sad that you don't like her."

"It's fine Molly, but Taryn was never really my sister. She may be literlly me just living a life I could've had if she hated married my ex boyfriend. She only needed me when it benifited her or made her feel good about herself." I say, "before the whole boyfriend thing, we were attached at the hip. I literlly almost killed Cardan because he made her cry."

"In my defense I was just telling her it was her fault that Jude was getting dirt kicked in her food and put into rivers! So she just cried. But I saved Jude's life." Cardan says.

"How'd you save her life?" Hermione asks. "Honestly from the way you guys live it sounds like she should've just been better letting you die. Sorry, that was mean. Go on."

"Well, she is extremly allergic to a certin fruit." Cardan begins.

"Oh please tell me the fruit so I can keep it away when you both come to vist." Molly says.

"Don't worry, this fruit is very, hard to get and find." I say.

"Anyways, my old friend, he uhm got ahold of the fruit one day, and decided to force feed her it. So she was chocking and the affects were kicking in." Cardan says, "well. One thing to help is salt. Like if she eats a little salt she'll start to get back to normal. Well I pricked her finger because morta- blood, blood. Has salt in it and so when she licked her finger to get away the blood she got salt."

"Oh thats why you did it!! I thought you did it to be a bitch." I say. I then looked at the others who are just staring. I smile. "Sorry, I forget, we grew up in a different enviorment."

"Like, a muggle enviorment?" Arthur asks.

"Ehhh, kinda muggle kinda, un-natural." I say. "So! Please do tell me about the Wizarding World. Me and Cardan are new to it."

"Oh, well Arhtur works at the Minstry of Magic, he works in the muggle department. But he had to stop his resurches to help with finding you-know-who." Molly says.

"C'mon mom, just say Voldemort." Ron says.

"Ronald Weasly you must not say his name out loud." Molly says while scolding Ron.

"But like, everyone says it ma. Its not a big deal." Ron says.

"Ronald, your not everyone else. Your friends with Harry, and you have had too many close enconters with Volde- I mean You-Know-Who!" Molly says.

"But mom!" Ron begans.

"No butts Ronald! Now, I still have to go visit with your sister and your father has to go to work soon." She kisses Rons forehead and gives Harry a hug. "You all will be up at our house for Christmas right? Even you two? Jude? Cardan?"

"Yes me and Harry can make it." Hermione says.

"And me and Jude can come too." Cardan says.

"That is great!! Now we best get going. So see you all in 2 months!" Molly says while walking away with Athur.

"Your mom is nice." I say.

"The bloody hell you mean nice? She's fucking loony!" Ron says. "Almost loonier then Loony Luna!"

"Shut up Ron, Luna's our friend. She was there fighting with us against, the Death Eaters." Heriome says. I feel my face start to drain. They would never find our Im a Death Eater, just like no one knew I was a spy for Dain. But then a lot of people found out. Oh my gosh. I also need to talk to Draco about whatever the dumb bitch Voldemort wants. Why does this fucking mark feel like its burning? Im fine. I can kill anyone, Ive killed Cardan. Ive killed Valerian. Ive killed Balkin. Ive killed that messanger. Ive killed my weaker self. Ive killed so many more. My only compainion for life is death. Blood will forver stain my hands. I fucking hate curses.

"Jude!" Hermione says while snapping her fingers in my face. "Finally! We were trying to talk to you."

"Snap in my face again I dare you." I say.

"I told you." Cardan says.

"Ooookkaayy." Hermione says, "anyways, theres that one thing with Professor Slughorn tonight by the way. Don't forget."

"What thing with Slughorn?" Cardan asks.

"Its a dinner party." I say.

"I wanna come! Will there be wine?" Cardan asks.

"You cannot come. And no, we are under the legal age." Hermione says.

"God damn I forgot how badly mortals and their rules suck." Cardan mutters.

"What?" Harry asks.

"What?" Cardan repeats.

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