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I lay in my bed, everything feels so hot. I feel closed in, didnt the others mention something about meeting up so we can go down to the Ministry of Magic? To get a oracle? I get out of bed and change into some clothes. I grab my wand, and walk towards the Griffindor area. I say the password that Cardan told me. I walk in to see Harry, Ron, Hermonie, Cardan, Ginny, and Bomb sitting in the chairs.

"Uhm hi?" I whisper.

"Heyyyy Jude." Hermonie says her boice straining.

"Uh were we gonna head to the Ministry of Magic and get the oracle? Oorrr what?" I ask.

"Yeah, we are. I was just about to tell them how we are going to get there without brooms." Harry says. Nevile walks out of the boys dorm room fully dressed.

"Hey guys!" He says. The door behind me opens and Luna walks through.

"Are we ready to go?" Luna asks.

"Yes, but how are we going to get there?" Ron asks.

"Simple." Harry says while grinning, "we are going to fly." Lunas eyes widen.

"I'll get the treats!" She says while rushing to go get something.

"Come on we will meet her outside." Harry says. We head outside to a wooded area. I see the weird winged horses that pull the carriges up to Hogwarts.

"Ohh these things!" I say.

"What the hell are those things?" Bomb asks.

"Theres nothing there, what do you guys mean?" Nevile asks.

"They are called Thestrals." Everyone jumps and sees Luna standing there. "Only people who have watched someone pass away can see them." She contiunes while walking up to one of them and stroking its head. "Very peaceful creatures."

"So thats why a few of us cant see them?" Ginny asks.

"Persicsly." Luna says.

"So we are going to be flying on something that we aboslutly cannot see? And we are just trusting that there is going to be something there?" Ron asks.

"Yes Ron, now pull yourself together and get your bloody ass over here." Harry says. Ron walks over to him.

"What the hell do you want?" Ron grumbles.

"Im going to help hoiste you up onto one of these Thestrals." Harry says. And he does. I help Cardan onto his Thestral. Harry helps Hermonie and Ginny, Bomb helps Luna. And I help Nevile. Then me, Harry, and Bomb get ourselves up. "Now lets go!" Harry says. And we start flying, start flying to the Ministry of Magic.

~Skip to when the get into the Ministry of Magic~

We find the oracle room and start looking. I hear shoes scuffing behind me. It's probably just one of 8 people I came with. All of a sudden I feel the cold cool tip of a wand on the back of my neck. I feel someone hot breath on my ear. I suck in my breath.

"Hello deary." I hear Bellatrix's voice in my ear. I breathe out a little.

"Hello." I whisper back.

"What are you doing here? With them?" She asks while whispering.

"They trust me, they think Im their friend. Ive learned a lot of stuff, they brought me here with them today to find a oracle." I whisper.

"Good pet." She whispers in my ear. I feel her back away and the hot breath leaves from my ear, and the cold wand leaves the back of my neck. I slowly turn around to see Bellatrix standing there with a few other Death Eaters behind her. "Go round up the others." She says. My breath hitches a little. They'll know, they will find out. They will think of me as a traitor. They wont talk to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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