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Sonadow: Well, this timeline's Sonic and Shadow look...cool.
Yasmin: and I have to mention, Amy looks absolute gorgeous in this timeline!
Amy: thank you!! You too!
Jasmine: Rouge in this timeline looks beautiful, too!
Rouge: thanks, darling!
Red: and this timeline's knuckles looks cool! I bet he can beat Sonadow!
Sonadow: You bet!? And by the way, I beat YOU in a fi-
Red: (cuts him off) hey! We don't talk about that, Sonadow! To you, nothing about that existed!
Sonadow: reeeeaaaaaally? Well, Jasmine, Yasmin, and Foxy all caught me up on it! I had beaten your red spiky butt!
Red: You think YOUR so tough!?
Sonadow: you tryna say I'm weak?
Red: I'm not tryna say your unbeatable!
Sonadow: ALRIGHT THAT'S IT! (They fight each other)
Foxy: here we go again 😒 plus, I don't count, since I'm Tails's little adoptive cousin, not his adoptive daughter... right?
Shadic: you count as a part of the "Next-Generation" crew, right?
Foxy: (sigh) Alright, alright... I guess Tails is sort of cute, but not in a lovey-dovey kind of way, that'd just be weird!
Yasmin: it's incest and pedophilia!
Foxy: yeah, he's 15 in our timeline and I'm only like 7!!!
Me: okay now he/she's asking you to differ what they look like from your timeline and this timeline.
Foxy: hmmmm well Tails is a bit taller, like in the disaster, Sonic Boom, and a bit smarter, he also is darker-golden yellow
Shadic: Since Red and Sonadow are fighting, I will speak for my brother (inhale) Sonic is a bit darker from our timeline and 4 meters taller, like the Sonic Boom Sonic, and Shadow, well, Shadow is like the Sonic Boom Shadow, thankfully not like him when it comes to personality, just in size and appearance.
Red:(while fighting with Sonadow) Knuckles...is a bit... taller, he just... hey, get off me, you blue-and-red idiot!! he just is a little more ... hotheaded and stubborn.
Sonadow: like your not!
Red: You little—!!!
Shadic: Guys!! Ugh. Be right back. (Zips over to Red and Sonadow to stop the fight) stop the fight!