@louissammy24 says:
Sonic and shadow, you both said NO , eh? 🤨🤨 alright then hehehehehe! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈. I dare Tails or Nine to make a machine to turn Shadow inot a girl and see Sonic's reaction. he'll stay that way for 2 chapters, if allowed. Also, I dare Sonic to dress up like Natsu from the anime Fairy tail and act like him. After that, I dare Sonic to go on a romantic date with Sonic and no complaints coming from him, and see the reaction of the Rose sisters and 'Shadow'! That's all! 😁
Tails: Nine, let's do this.
Shadow: NO!
Tails and Nine make the machine anyway, and struggle to get Shadow in it. Eventually, they succeed and turn Shadow into a girl.
Shadow: (female) You should hope I don't find you, @louissammy24...
Sonic: (when seeing the result) .........
Me: Hey Sonic, there's a dare for you.
Sonic: (reads it) (looks at the audience (mainly @louissammy24)) who's Natsu!?
Me: If you don't mind, we'll skip that second dare because I never watched the anime fairy tail before, so... yeah. Please don't be rude, I beg of you.
Sonic: (looks at the third dare) So you're asking me to go out with myself?
Me: Yep
Sonic: I'll ask Chaos Sonic. All the other me's are technically older and... yeah.
Me: Don't even put that image in my head, Sonic.
Me and Sonic: (shudders)
Sonic: (walks over to Chaos Sonic) Hey Chaos?
Chaos: What faker
Sonic: One, you're the faker, two, someone dared me to go out on a date with you.
Chaos: No
Sonic: It's a dare, I swear!
Chaos: Fine, but I'm not loving you over Rusty.
Sonic: I don't WANT you to. Anyway, let's go.
While they're going on their not-so-romantic date, Shadow (female) and the Rose sisters watch.
Rusty: This is a dare, right? If not, I take back everything good I said about Sonic and I will kill him on the spot.
Thorn: Whoa, Rusty! It was a dare. Don't have to go all 'tool of destruction' on Sonic.
Black: Yeah, or else Amy will strangle us all.
Shadow: (female) (laughing so hard his/her stomach hurt)
Me: (trying so hard not to suffer the same fate as Shadow) Until next ask or dare!

Ask and Dare the Sonic Prime Characters
AdventureYou can ask or dare the Sonic prime characters in this book