Girl Shadow

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@louissammy24 says:

Sonic and shadow, you both said NO , eh? 🤨🤨 alright then hehehehehe! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈. I dare Tails or Nine to make a machine to turn Shadow inot a girl and see Sonic's reaction. he'll stay that way for 2 chapters, if allowed. Also, I dare Sonic to dress up like Natsu from the anime Fairy tail and act like him. After that, I dare Sonic to go on a romantic date with Sonic and no complaints coming from him, and see the reaction of the Rose sisters and 'Shadow'! That's all! 😁


Tails: Nine, let's do this.

Shadow: NO!

Tails and Nine make the machine anyway, and struggle to get Shadow in it. Eventually, they succeed and turn Shadow into a girl.

Shadow: (female) You should hope I don't find you, @louissammy24...

Sonic: (when seeing the result) .........

Me: Hey Sonic, there's a dare for you.

Sonic: (reads it) (looks at the audience (mainly @louissammy24)) who's Natsu!?

Me: If you don't mind, we'll skip that second dare because I never watched the anime fairy tail before, so... yeah. Please don't be rude, I beg of you.

Sonic: (looks at the third dare) So you're asking me to go out with myself?

Me: Yep

Sonic: I'll ask Chaos Sonic. All the other me's are technically older and... yeah.

Me: Don't even put that image in my head, Sonic.

Me and Sonic: (shudders)

Sonic: (walks over to Chaos Sonic) Hey Chaos?

Chaos: What faker

Sonic: One, you're the faker, two, someone dared me to go out on a date with you.

Chaos: No

Sonic: It's a dare, I swear!

Chaos: Fine, but I'm not loving you over Rusty.

Sonic: I don't WANT you to. Anyway, let's go.

While they're going on their not-so-romantic date, Shadow (female) and the Rose sisters watch.

Rusty: This is a dare, right? If not, I take back everything good I said about Sonic and I will kill him on the spot.

Thorn: Whoa, Rusty! It was a dare. Don't have to go all 'tool of destruction' on Sonic.

Black: Yeah, or else Amy will strangle us all.

Shadow: (female) (laughing so hard his/her stomach hurt)

Me: (trying so hard not to suffer the same fate as Shadow) Until next ask or dare!

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