Sisterly Rift

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_Maya_chan says:

Black rose, I dare you to go to your sisters (the other Amy's) and either slap/tell them you hate them to see what they do then just run away screaming, "AHHH! IM GETTING CHASED!! PREDATORRRRRRR"


Black: They're gonna hate me for this, you know that?! Anyway, let's do the dare. Hey girls!

Thorn: Oh, hey Black! Whatcha-

Black: (slaps Rusty & Thorn) I hate you both!!

Rusty: Why? What did we do?

Thorn: Black, are you okay? Are you feeling good?


Black runs away. Thorn and Rusty look at each other in confusion. But then Black comes back.

Black: Don't worry, sisters. It was a dare.

Thorn: Of course it was.

Rusty: We would expect it to be cause you would never really say that to us intentionally.

Black: I love you both no matter what the readers dare me to do to you both 💕💕💕💕💕💕 anyway, until next ask or dare!!

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