Me: Guys, I just watched Sonic Prime season 2. Sadly, Silver the Hedgehog didn't appear, though I was really looking forward to his appearance since I could add him to this book since he would be a Sonic Prime character, and there will be some changes. Rusty Rose, since she has been reformed, will now be shown as a hero, Dread will be shown as a backstabbing traitor like Nine (which I was very VERY surprised at the betrayal), and there will be a new character.
Knuckles: Really? Another one? Didn't we just add Shadonic to the group?
Red: Yeah. Why do you keep adding new characters!?
Me: This one is from Sonic Prime season 2, and his name is Chaos Sonic, speaking of which, there's a dare for him.
Chaos Sonic appeared
Chaos Sonic: Whoa, where am I?
Me: you are at none of your business, and you will be answering asks and doing dares.
Chaos Sonic: Or else what?
Me: Or else you die- I mean I will break you apart.
Chaos Sonic: Uh-okay. (To Sonadow) I'm afraid of her.
Sonadow: yeah...
Me: You should be. 😈
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Chaos Sonic and Tails: I/it actually have/has to do this?
Me: Yes. You know the consequences.
Tails: Yes I do.
Me: Okay. Chaos Sonic, do the dare.
Chaos Sonic: Okay. So I have to actually be excited?
Me: yeah
Chaos Sonic: Okay.
Chaos Sonic stands in front of tails and begins the dare
Chaos Sonic: (imitating Sonic) Tails! It's so good to see you (hugs Tails)
Tails: It's so weird letting metal hug me.
Sonic: Especially since it's vice versa sometimes.
Yasmin: Vice versa?
Sonic: Reverse. He once hugged his own invention-
Tails: Sonic! Don't tell ....
Sonic: Sorry, well, not sorry, but I am. It started off when I was going to bed when I heard Tails scream. I rushed to see what was wrong and I saw him hugging his invention and crying. I heard him say "hold me my precious invention."
Amy: Ohhhh yeah I remember. You told me, Knuckles, and Rouge about it.
Tails: WHAT!? SONIC!!
Sonic: that's my cue to bail.
Sonadow: You know, something like that happened to Foxy. Didn't it?
Foxy: Don't tell or I'll get to my Tornado II and blast your spiky butt out of the world.
Shadonic: You know what, I'm actually kind of curious.
Foxy: You don't need to know.
Shadic: Foxy didn't threaten me so...
Foxy: Don't you dare, Shadic. I have something even worse in store for you.
Shadic: I'm not scared of a kit. Anyway.... One time me and Sonadow heard whispering in Foxy's house. We went to see what was going on when we saw Foxy saying stuff like "I love you my precious inventions," and "hold me".
Foxy: I'm going to give you a five second head-start.
Shadic: YIKES! UM... Gotta Go Fast!
Shadic blazed off
Sonic: Is it safe?
Me: Yes, Tails has calmed down. However, Foxy not so much.
Sonic saw Shadic's blue-black trail blaze past him