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Me: Oof

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Me: Oof. I'm lucky- I never got grounded in my life. Okay, anyway... I don't have a crush

Sonic: Me neither

Amy: It's Sonic, but I got rejected whenever the next generation characters appeared 😢

Tails: Uh, Cosmo, if she was still alive

Me: oof

Knuckles: Nobody

Rouge: Knuckles

Nine: I don't have one

Rebel Rouge: No one

Renegade Knucks: No one

Rusty Rose: Chaos Sonic

Chaos Sonic: Rusty Rose

Me: Taking Sonamy to a whole new level...

Thorn: I don't have one

Me: She hadn't said a word this whole book now that I think about it the other jungle versions haven't said anything either

Other jungle versions: (except Mangey, he don't talk) I don't have one

Dread: I don't got time to waste my life on something as silly as love unlike those mechanical miscreants!

Sails: I don't have one

Black Rose: me neither!

Catfish: Wait, what is love again?

Black Rose: Oh boy, Catfish...Oh boy...

Pirate Rouge (I forgot her name): Used to be Dread, but now no one

Me: Until next ask or dare!

Ask and Dare the Sonic Prime CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now