The dispute

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Hi! So, I didn't write notes in a long time, that's because I forgot about them at the start, so you get them now. First of all, welcome back! All thanks to the supportive people asking for the sequel, because without them I would delay it, but I said fuck it and wrote this shi-

Just so we understood each other, the story will be timed around rtte and httyd 2. Combination time! Also, as I counted, there will be around 200k words if not 300k... Yes, I can't sleep at night.

ALSO, IM PLANNING 4 BOOKS 100K OF IT. Somebody kill me, please. I am going to college next year. Where I'll find time for dating people like normal human beings.

Oh, I forgot I'm a shapeshifter writer.

Nvm, I don't need people.

(Regards to the guy who commented on the story first, before I was able to fully publish it. I love ya, call me.)


It was no surprise that everybody, who walked nearby Haddock's household, must have glanced at it, both shocked and not. The sound which was coming out of there was loud enough that it was audible miles from it, making everyone close to it alert.

Even so, nobody was eager to check the reason, until the one blond-haired woman, who, narrowing her eyes at the building, went toward it, curious. Certain that the knocking wouldn't work, she peeked inside through the created by her gap in the main door.

Immediately, she caught a glimpse of the reason for the racket, also known as her chief's laughter. The man was bent in half, his eyes were wet, and was gasping for air, standing in the middle of the room.

Noticing so, she lifted her brow at him, until detecting the other two figures by the table. Firstly, it was Toothless, who scowled Stoic, relying himself on the back of his chair, irritated. Just after him, she caught sight of Hiccup, supporting her forearms on his shoulders, leaning just over him, the same way annoyed staring at her father.

Eventually, while Hiccup's eyes saw her blue ones, she sighed, grinning weakly. "Hey, Astrid," she welcomed her, not bothering herself with Stoic's laughing. "Come in, please."

"If ya insist," she agreed, slipping inside swiftly. "Good mornin', chief," she greeted and tsked, when the man proceeded with his activity, "Hiccup," she continued, smiling at the young woman and then glaring at Toothless, "dick."

"Skank," he replied, while the line appeared between his brows, before he smirked, teasingly. "How is your thigh? Still hurts after our rematch?"

"How is yer ear? Still gashed?" She teased, pointing at his mentioned body part.

"Fuck you," he growled, looking to the side, hiding his ear from her view.

"I would tell ya the same, but that's Hiccup's work."

"Hold on! Don't brin' me up into whatever ye're doin'," Hiccup scolded and rumbled, seeing how both of them showed each other their tongues. "Like kids."

"Maybe, but well, I didn't come for that. What's with him?" Astrid inquired, pointing at Stoic with her chin. "How long does he-?"

"Hour and a half," Toothless answered, grasping the cup of water before drinking from it. "Sumbitch's got some strong lungs."

"Toothless, language," Hiccup warned, furrowing down at him, at which he shrugged. "Well, but that's true still."

"Why is he laughin' anyway?" Astrid asked, sizing Stoic up.

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