The rescue

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The two of them, Hiccup and her kidnapper Dagur, found themselves on the lower deck of the ship. The silence, just as the smell of food on the table that separated them, surrounded them, creating a rather awkward atmosphere.

Her eyes were gaping somewhere to the side towards a window with the sight of the ocean, while her arms were bound with ropes, which started bruising her wrists with each attempt to free herself.

Eventually, when Dagur finished his eating and noticed her squirming, he swallowed loudly before smirking. "Hiccup, why don't ya relax?" he snickered, lying comfortably in his chair, with his legs resting on the table that separated them. "Nobody is torturin' ya...yet."

"It's hard to relax when ye're bein' taken to your death, literally," she pointed out, sticking her eyes into the man, furrowing.

"It doesn't have to be so bad."

"Oh, really?" Hiccup ironized, lifting an eyebrow at him and rolling her eyes, afterward. "What are ya suggestin'? Ya will make it fast and painless?"

"I mean that there doesn't have to be any death," Dagur stated as he stood up, before moving towards her. "Ya see, when we see the catastrophe yer village has become, the alliance will be destroyed, but it might be recreated once more."

"Recreated? Ya would like to recreate the union with Berk, actually?" Hiccup inquired, staring at his gait, shocked. "We have made a partnership with dragons! Isn't that the most scandalous thin' to do, or somethin'?"

"I don't mind that. The idea of havin' such an alliance, with the strength of dragons at our side, it's quite empowerin'."

"But scandalous, still. After all, the dragons have killed hundreds of people."

"For the person that has created the peace with them, ye're really skeptical about it," Dagur noted, leaning over her chair.

"I'm not skeptical," Hiccup disagreed, turning her face away from him. "I'm just seein' both sides of the coin, and I understand the hate towards dragons, but I have overcome it, makin' that peace possible."

"Interestin'," he hummed, patting the back of her chair and straightening. "Fortunately, my village never had this problem, so the worry is unneeded."

"It doesn't?" she asked, glancing at him, confusion crossing her face. "Isn't yer village famous for its dragon warriors?"

"The truth is that there were never any dragons on our island. These titles were gained on the travels, also the huntin', like the one today ya caught us onto."

"Wait, so while the other villages struggled with death on a daily basis, ya were havin' it easy, and not only that, you were huntin', unnecessarily?" she remarked, boring her eyes into him, indignantly.

"Yes, we're terrible," he sniggered and smirked, squirming his eyes at her. "Anyway, back to the theme, the alliance is destroyed, I may kill Haddock's offsprin' in front of her father's eyes, et cetera, et cetera, but I'm not doin' it because I like the idea of keepin' that alliance. Therefore, I propose to Berk's chief the deal, by which-,"

"Why would ya give my father any deal?" she questioned, frowning, puzzled. "We have an alliance and ya want it, so why must ya threaten-,"

"Still, I have his daughter, remember?" Dagur reminded, setting his dagger under her throat, not causing her to even flinch. "Accustomed?"

"Supposin'," she muttered, shrugging. "So what? Ya want to use the possibility to gain somethin', isn't that right?"

"I always like presents," he chuckled, taking away the weapon, while at the same time slashing his blade against the lower part of her chin, slightly. "In exchange for keepin' the union, and also his daughter without the sword stabbed into her stomach, I want his daughter."

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