*Back to 1976*

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"What if we can find a way to go back" Rory says looking at the ground her eyes still slightly red from crying.

"What do you mean back?" Hermione questions.

"What if we can find a way to go back and show our parents and everyone what's going to happen. We can stop it from ever happening in the first place"

"I don't know. What if we mess things up?"

"Mess things up, my best friend is dead, my godfather and his wife are dead, a lot of people are dead, innocent people. How much more messed up can it get Hermione?"

"Maybe we should go see McGonagall, maybe she might have some ideas"


It was a normal night at Hogwarts. All the students were sat in the Great Hall at the back to school feast.

At the Gryffindor table James Potter could be seen sat with his best friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. James was currently watching Lily Evans whilst his friends continued to just laugh at their friend and his crush on the red head.

"This year, is the year she'll finally say yes I'm telling you" James said dreamily still watching Lily.

"Sure she will Prongs" Sirius told his friend placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Padfoot don't upset the poor boy" Remus said smirking at his friends across the table from him.

"Moony, he's just telling the truth" Peter joined in the conversation.

"Just you guys watch" James said glaring at his friends. Dumbledore stood to start his start of year speech. Just as he began the doors to the Great Hall opened with a loud bang. The four friends all looked up at the door to see what was going on along with everyone else in the hall. Multiple different people all walked in looking just as confused as the people already in the hall.

"Mum, Dad" James said in disbelief as he looked at his parents. Next came Molly and Arthur Weasley with their three sons and Molly's twin brothers Gideon and Fabian Prewett. Also Auror's Alistor Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt entered followed by other members of the Ministry and the Minister himself, the Malfoys and the Lestrange brothers and Sirius's cousins the Black sisters Narcissa, Bellatrix and Andromeda along with Andromeda's husband Ted and their young daughter.

"May I ask what you are doing here?" Dumbledore said in his usual calm voice.

"I'm not to sure about the others but me and my wife just appeared right outside the hall" Fleamont Potter said still looking confused, the others all nodded in agreement that that's exactly how they ended up there too.

"We assumed you brought us here Dumbledore" Molly says holding a sleeping Percy in her arms whilst a young Bill and Charlie stand next to her.

"This had nothing to do with me, that I can assure you" Dumbledore said as there was a bright light in the middle of the hall as well as a loud crackling sound.

"Ouch Ronald, get the hell off of me you're bloody heavy" A girls voice could be heard coming from the light.

"Sorry Rory" A boy replies and as the light disappears everyone looks down to a group of people on the floor.

"Where are we?" a girl with bushy hair says.

"What did you do Rory?" The boy with round glasses and messy hair says getting to his feet before holding his hand out for the red headed girl next to him who just rolls her eyes and pushed him away.

"I can get up myself thanks Harold and I didn't do anything" She says as she stands up and wipes her trousers off.

"You lost control" She glares at him.

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