GOF 16

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Rory spent a week with Remus and Sirius getting control over her power's again after not using them for months. 

"Ready to go back Wolf" 

"As ready as I can be Moony" 

"Hold on Rory I got something for you" Sirius hands her a small mirror. "It's a two-way mirror it used to be your dads. I've got the other half so if you ever need us just call out to one of us in the mirror and we'll be able to see you and you'll be able to see us and we'll be able to talk" 

James sends Sirius a smile which he gladly returns.

"Thank you Pad's" Rory hugs him before following Remus to the fireplace. 

"Dumbledore's office" He calls as he disappears. 

"You next Little Wolf" She does the same as Remus before landing in Dumbledores office where Remus holds out his hand for her pulling her up as Sirius come's through.

"Welcome back Aurora. Your safe place in the Forbidden Forest is set up again and it will remain until the end of your 7th year" Dumbledore speaks. Rory nods at him. "Your trunk is back in your dorm ready for you and you're to return to lessons as normal tomorrow. Now you may go I need a word with Sirius and Remus quickly before they leave" 

"I'll see you soon Wolf just remember we're here if you need us" Remus says pulling her into a hug before Sirius does the same.

"I'm loving how much of a softy you are with my daughter Padfoot" James says smiling at Rory.

"Only for my Little Wolf" 

"I'll talk to you later okay Little Wolf" She nods.

"Bye guys" She waves to them before leaving Dumbledores office to go find Harry. She finds him in a corridor leaning against a wall. He looks up when he hears her approaching him before a smile appears on his face.

"Rory thank god you're okay. I know you said you were fine but I was still worried about you and so were the twins and Lee" 

"I'm fine Harry. I'm sorry I haven't been here for the past week. How are you?"

"I love your sibling bond" Fleamont says smiling at his grandchildren.

"It wasn't your fault Ror although it's helped to know you believe me because my best friend doesn't" 

"What d'you mean doesn't believe you" 

"Ron think's I entered and lied to him about it"

"That bloody idiot"

"It's fine Rory. He's not the only one most of the school have an issue with me except for the Gryffindors"

"Some time's I hate this school. Do they actually think you managed to put your own name in"

"They think Dumbledore entered me because I asked him to so I could get more fame and rich"

"You're about to find out how much Rory knows about the Potter family that I didn't" Harry tells his Dad and grandparents.  

"Seriously you're already the most famous person in years and we're already rich we just don't show it. We're the only remaining Potter's which means we have access to the Potter family vault" He looks at her confused. "Our grandfather Fleamont Potter invented Sleekeazy's Hair Potion. Did you not ever wonder why our vault was so full. Our parent's wouldn't of been able to become that rich that quick straight out of school it would have taken years"

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