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Harry had been made to return once again to Privet Drive by Dumbledore although he wouldn't tell them the reason. Rory was currently staying with the twins to help them get the shop ready for opening. Dumbledore had agreed that from the 1st September she would be working with Madam Pomfrey in the Hogwarts hospital wing but would be able to floo to Charlies from Madam Pomfrey's office each evening.

"Hey Georgie" Rory said as she jumped onto his bed next to him.

"Hey Rory"

"You excited about the opening?"

"Yeah also nervous" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Right I'm going to the Burrow to see Mama Bear for a while. You coming?"

"Nah I'll see her tomorrow or something"

"Okay bye Georgie" She kissed his cheek quickly before finding Fred and doing the same. She apparated to the Burrow and found Bill outside feeding the chickens. "Hey Pillock" he stood up to give her quick hug.

"Aww look my baby can apparate all by herself" James smirks at Rory.

"I'd been able to do it for ages"

"Hey Rory wanna help" he holds out the chicken feed to her.

"Sure" She takes some of the feed and starts throwing it to the ground as he does the same.

"Mum's going to be happy you're here" She looks at him confused.


"Two reasons. 1 she loves you and 2 Fleurs here"

"Oh take it shes still not a fan of her's"


"It'll get better Pillock just give it some time. You're her baby boy no one will be good enough for you"

"She likes you"

"Actually she loves me and that was before I got with Charlie that's the difference"

"Who's fleur" Molly asks looking at the screens.

"Bill's wife" Charlie tells her.

"And I don't like her"

"Not really"

"Good point" They finish feeding the chickens before heading in "Mum look who I found" Bill calls out as Mrs Weasley comes running to her son.

"Rory, hello dear"

"Hey Mama Bear" She pulls her into a hug as Ron and Ginny come running in as well.

"Rory" Ginny throws herself at Rory as soon as Mrs Weasley lets go.

"Hey Gin miss me?"

"Of course, I haven't seen you since that night in the Ministry. I've just had Bill and Mum assuring me you were okay" She hugs Rory tighter before letting her go and Ron replaces her.

"Thank god you're okay"

"I'm fine Ron"

"Aww everyone was so worried" Marlene says smiling at Rory.

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