*POA 6*

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Rory finds Harry sat at the Gryffindor table with the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team looking at his breakfast bowl. She takes a seat next to him.

"You okay Harry? It's only Hufflepuff you've beaten them every time you've played them"

"Quidditch" All the Quidditch fans shout.

"It's not that Ror, It's the dementors presence that's making me more nervous you've seen the effect they have on me" She wraps an arm around him.

"Don't worry about it too much Dumbledore will be there so nothing bad will happen to you. Now I could be wrong but I doubt it" She winks at him.

"Rory I love so much" Barty Jr shouts.

"I know I'm amazing" Rory smirks getting a slap on the back of the head from her grandmother.

"Stop acting like your father" She scolds whilst James just smiles proudly.

"Thanks Rory you always know what to say" He smiles at me.

"Not always" She smiles at him before quickly looking at Fred then back to her breakfast. She pushes her food around her plate for a little while before deciding she's had enough.

"Wait is that why you was so understanding with me that year?" Hermione asks looking at Rory.


Rory stands and walks over to the twins quick before leaving the hall

"Good luck guys you'll be great" At her words George stands to give her a hug whilst Fred just nods. "I'll see you later" She says as she leaves the hall running into Ollie just outside.

"Hey Rory" He says quickly peeking her on the lips.

"No" James and Sirius shout in unison.

"They kiss a lot just so you know" Harry says smiling at his father who looks horrified.

"Hello Ollie. Good luck today I'll be cheering you on" He smiles at her pulling her in for another kiss before he heads into the hall.

"Oh look the uglier Potter finally managed to get a boyfriend" Rory turns to see Pansy Parkinson a Slytherin in Harry's year.

"She did not just say that" Euphemia says looking pissed.

"She calls me that a lot. Its her only insult for me" Rory shrugs not bothered.

"I mean everyone has the right to be ugly Pansy but you're over doing it a bit" Rory smirks at her.

"You'll regret that" She snarls.

"I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong" She stomps her foot slightly before storming into the hall.

"That was brilliant" Sirius holds up a hand to Rory who gladly gives him a high five.

Rory just laughs and heads finding Ron and Hermione leaving the common room

"Hey guys, you going to the match?"

"Yea did you wanna join us?" Ron smiles at her.

"If that's alright with you two"

"Fine with me, Hermione?" Ron looks at her distracting her from her book.

"Oh it's fine with me" She smiles at Rory before going back to her book.

"How are you walking and reading?" One of the Ravenclaws asks

They all head down to the stands wrapped in multiple layers ready to brave the elements. The pitch is barely visible as they find seats.

"Shit it's cold" Rory mutters.

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