Sixth Year Part 1

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Qudditch World Cup Tickets

"Rory, Harry come here quickly" James shouts up the stairs to his kids. They both come running to see what's going on.

"What's up dad?" Rory asks as she reaches the bottom step. James smirks at her before grabbing her over his shoulder and apparating to the Weasley's whilst Lily brings Harry.

"Here Charlie, present for you" James says as he puts Rory down on Charlie before smirking as he walks away.

"Hello Nova" Charlie says as he hugs her.

"Hey Charlie, I've missed you" She says hugging him back.

"Missed you too"

"Right everyone sit down" Molly shouts as everyone sits, Charlie wraps an arm around Rory's waist so she can't move off his lap.

"Right" James says smiling at everyone "We've all got tickets to see the Quidditch World Cup including Bill who'll be here later on today"

"Wait are you being serious" Fred says looking excitedly between James and Arthur who both nod at him.

"Wicked" the twins shout in unison making the others laugh.

"Nova" Charlie whispers so only she hears "can I talk to you in a bit"



"Wanna go for a walk Nova?" Charlie says once everyone else has left the room.

"Sure" She smiles at him before following him outside, Lily and Molly smile at eachother. "Everything alright Charlie, you seem nervous" Rory says as they reach the lake at the back of the Weasleys home. Charlie scratches the back of his neck.

"Everything's fine" He stops and turns to face her "Look I've tried fighting how I feel about you Nova but I can only fight it for so long so I'm going to be honest with you. I like you Nova well I more than like you. I'm in love with you Aurora Nova Potter I have been for a few years, even before that I just didn't know what it was I was feeling. And it's fine if you don't feel the same" She smiles at him.

"I feel the same about you Charlie. I just thought you'd never feel the same" He looks down at her before leaning down, his lips finding hers, deepening the kiss before he pulls away.

"You won't believe how long I've wanted to do that" Rory smiles at him before pulling him back to her, her lips meeting his. "Nova" Charlie says as they pull apart again "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to" He smiles before kissing her again. 

Quidditch World Cup

"Ready Little Wolf" Sirius asks holding his arm out for Rory whilst James does the same for Harry.

"Yeah" Rory, James, Sirius and Harry all apparated at the campsite at the same time as Charlie, Bill and Percy.

"Would you look at that timing" James says smirking at the three Weasleys.

"Come on lets go" Sirius says grabbing Rory and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Why do you two keep picking me up lately" Rory moans.

"Who" Sirius smirks.

"You and dad"

"Yeah I Apparated to the Burrow like that with her the other day and dropped her on Charlie" James smirks as Sirius laughs. They walk out of the woods as Arthur is busy cooking eggs and sausage.

"Just Apparated, Dad," Percy said loudly.

"Here twins have a late birthday present" Sirius says dropping Rory on the twins laps. They both laugh at her.

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