*PS 1*

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A sign with the words 'Privet Drive' written on it was the only thing that could be seen, illuminated by a nearby lamp post with a owl sitting on top of it. As the owl flew away the screen shifted to a wooded area fully covered by fog, where a figure can be seen moving closer. As the figure continues to get closer, a man can be seen. He was a very tall and elderly man, wearing purple robes, and a beard, so long it could be tucked into his pants. It was Albus Dumbledore.

"Dumbles" The Marauders all cheer.

"Why are you there Professor" Peter asks as Dumbledore smiles.

"I'm not to sure just yet Mr Pettigrew"

A tabby cat was sitting on a small step watching Dumbledore with slightly stern eyes as he holds up a small object into the air, collecting all the lights from the lamp posts leaving them in complete darkness.

"Can we have that thing?" The Marauders and Prewett twins all shout at the same time just as the lights go out.

"Sorry, but it's mine already I'm afraid, Ouch"

"Put the lights back on" Hermione hissed as Ron did what he was told rubbing the back of his head where she had clearly hit him.

After the lights disappeared, a meow could be heard making Dumbledore look down in front of him, where he smiles at the tabby cat.

Everyone except for the new first years recognised the cat as Professor McGonagall, confusing them even more.

"I should have known you'd be here, Professor McGonagall." The cat leaps forward turning itself back into Professor McGonagall.

"Are the rumours true, Albus?"

"Rumours?" A few people say at the same time as Rory glances at Harry sending each other a small smile.

"I'm afraid so. The good. And the bad."

"And the children?"

"What's going on? What children?" James asks loudly as Severus sneers at him.

"Why don't you listen and find out"

"Wait is that Snape?" Rory whispers to her father who nods whilst Harry and Hermione send her warning looks.

"Hagrid's bringing them."

"You think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?"

"I would trust Hagrid with my life, Professor." A low rumble disturbs the skies. Dumbledore and McGonagall both look up as a large motorcycle plummets through the clouds and hits the ground with a thunderous roar. As the smoke clears, a Hagrid climbs off, In his vast, muscular arms, he holds two small children both bundled in blankets.

"I want one of those bikes" Sirius shouts.

"Not happening" Euphemia says looking at Sirius. 

"Pad's it was yours" Rory whispers and sends him a wink as he stares at her his mouth wide open.

"Ev'ning, professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall." Hagrid says as he walks to the two Professors.

"No problems, I take it, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asks.

"No sir. Little tyke's fell ter sleep as we was flyin' o'er Bristol." Hagrid steps forward and Dumbledore takes the smaller one of the children before turning toward the doorstep. As McGonagall takes the other child

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