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"Morning dear Aurora" Fred says as she walks down from the girls dorm,

"Morning Freddie" They walk over to one of the sofa's whilst George places a advertisement on the common room notice board before coming back over to them. "Hey Georgie"

"Morning Ror" They look up as Harry and Ron come down from the boys dorm, Rory sendw Harry a quick smile which he returns before walking over to Hermione.

"Forgot about your wonderful uniform" Charlie says smirking at Rory.

"Should we head down for breakfast"

"Yeah" Both twins say in unison as they get up and head the the portrait hole. They find Lee as soon as they enter the great hall.

"Morning you 3" He says as they sit down.

"Morning Lee" Rory says as Harry walks in behind a group of Ravenclaws with Ron and Hermione. Harry sat down beside Rory with Hermione beside him and Ron opposite beside Fred. Angelina walks towards them with a look of purpose.

"Hi, Angelina." Harry greets her.

"Hi," she said briskly "Listen, I've been made Gryffindor Quidditch Captain."

"Nice one," Harry said, grinning at her

"Yeah, well, we need a new Keeper now Oliver's left. Tryouts are on Friday at five o'clock and I want the whole team there, all right? Then we can see how the new person'll fit in." She looks at Harry and the twins.

"Okay," Harry said, and she smiled at him and departed.

"I'd forgotten Wood had left," Hermione said vaguely, pulling a plate of toast toward her.

"I hadn't forgotten" Rory mutters to the twins.

"What actually happened between you two. You looked so happy and cute together. Not that you don't look cute with Charlie" Hermione asks looking at her.

"You don't just look cute with Charlie, you look adorable" Marlene says smirking at Rory. Rory links her hand with Charlies as he smiles at her.

"We just didn't work out in the end" Rory says quickly as Hermione goes back to talking about Quidditch.

"I suppose that will make quite a difference to the team?"

"I s'pose," Harry said. "He was a good Keeper."

"Still, it won't hurt to have some new blood, will it?" Ron said. With a whoosh and a clatter, hundreds of owls came soaring in through the upper windows. They descended all over the Hall, bringing letters and packages to their owners and showering the breakfasters with droplets of water; it was clearly raining hard outside. Bill's owl drops a letter in front of Rory.

"Is that Bill's owl" Fred questions as she takes the letter.

"Yeah" She shrugs as she opens the letter.

Dear Rory,

Hope school isn't too boring already. Headquarters is definitely more boring without you and the twins to talk to. And on the note of you and the twins, mum says to tell you all to be good or else and Sirius said don't do anything he wouldn't of done whilst Remus sat there shaking his head. I'm guessing there isn't a lot that Sirius wouldn't of done.

Tell all the others I said hi

From Pillock (I can't believe I actually wrote that)

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