GOF 26

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Rory wakes the hospital wing. She turns her  head slightly and see Remus sat on the chair beside her, turning the other way she notices Sirius sat on another chair. She tries to sit up slightly but groan in pain.

"Wolf" Remus stands quickly. As Sirius takes her hand in his.

"Hey Moony, hi Pads" She whispers as they both take a seat on the edge of the bed Remus moving the hair back from her face.

"Thank goodness you're okay" Remus says.

"What happened"

"That can wait for now you need to recover and when you're better we'll talk about that and some other things that have come to our notice" he holds up one of her arms that is uncovered revealing the hand prints all over then.

"How'd they get there"

"Really" James smiles slightly at his daughter.

"Don't even try it. They're your hand prints. We also know they're not limited to only your arms" She looks away unable to meet his eyes. "That's not important right now what is is that you get better" the hospital wing door opens suddenly as Mrs Weasley and Bill come in followed by Ron and Hermione.

"Oh my Aurora thank goodness you're okay you had me so worried" she wraps her arms around Rory.

"I'm fine mama bear. Hey pillock" Rory smiles at him as she gently pats Mrs Weasley on the back.

"Hello Rory" he smiles at her relief showing in his face until his eyes catch sight of her arms. The door opens to reveal Dumbledore and Harry. Mrs Weasley pulls away heading towards Harry as Bill takes her place beside Rory whilst Remus and Sirius head over to Dumbledore.

"Harry! Oh Harry!" She started to hurry toward him, but Dumbledore moved between them.

"Molly," he said, holding up a hand, "please listen to me for a moment. Harry has been through a terrible ordeal tonight and so has Aurora. He has just had to relive it for me. What he needs now is sleep, and peace, and quiet. If he would like you all to stay with him," he added, looking around at Ron and Hermione "you may do so. But I do not want you questioning him until he is ready to answer, and certainly not this evening and Aurora I will need you to tell me your version of events as well as soon as you are well."

"I can do it now get it over and done with" he nods.

"You've literally just woke up from being tortured and you're willing to talk about it" Hermione says looking at Rory.

"Shut up" Sirius says glaring at her.

"We can do it in my office if you feel more comfortable without so many people"

"It's fine" Dumbledore pulls up a chair beside her as Remus swaps places with Bill taking her hand in his.

"Firstly how did you end up in the graveyard"

"Professor Moody well the guy we thought was him asked for a word in his office"

"What happened in his office"

"He asked to see my powers he'd been following me apparently. I refused said I didn't know what he was on about" She swallows before continuing "he tried to get me to show him by using the Cruciatus Curse. I don't know how many times. Next thing I know I woke up in that grave yard"

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