POA 12

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It had been a few days since Sirius's had actually broken into the Gryffindor tower. Poor Neville was definitely suffering. He'd received detention, a howler from his gran, was banned from all future Hogsmeade trips for the rest of the year and was also not allowed the password to Gryffindor so he had to wait around for people.

"Poor Neville" Alice said hugging her son.

"Don't worry mum, Rory would come out constantly if I wasn't in the common room" Neville smiles at Rory who returns it.

Rory walks to Remus's class and found him marking at his desk.

"Hey Uncle Moony" She smiled at him.

"Hey Wolf. What brings you here"

"Am I not allowed to visit my favourite Uncle and godfather"

"I love that answer" Remus smiles at her.

"Of course you are. Tea?"

"You know I'd never say no to a cup of tea. Do you have any chocolate?" She smiles following him to his office and sitting in a  chair.

"She claimed that chair with how often she was in there" Harry told everyone making Remus smile even more.

"Here" He hands her a bar of chocolate from his desk.

"See he gave her tea and chocolate" Hermione said as Rory smirks.

"Yep and it was my favourite chocolate"

"You are definitely my second favourite teacher Moony" He laughs at this whilst making two cups of tea.

"Don't you love that you're my favourite teacher and my daughters Minnie" James asks McGonagall who tries to hide her smile.

Rory walks across the grounds towards Hagrid's hut and notices all the dementors still in the distance. She reachs his hut knocking the door.

"Hello Rory. Come in. Tea?" He moves to let her past.

"Did you just like spending time with teachers" Barty Crouch Jr asks.

"Only ones I liked that gave me tea, Minnie included, grease bat not included"

"Rory" Lily scolds her whilst most of the hall just laughs at her whilst Snape glares.

"Yes please Hagrid" She notices Buckbeak the hippogriff sat in the corner and Hagrid's suit hanging up "When's the trail Hagrid"

"This Friday. Him an' me'll be goin' down ter London together. I've booked two beds on the Knight Bus." He says handing her a cup of tea "Thank you for all the help you been giving young Hermione"

"It's nothing Hagrid. Malfoy's an idiot Buckbeak shouldn't suffer because of his stupidness and Hermione's definitely been in need of a friend lately"

"I agree I was an idiot and I'm sorry Hagrid"

"I'll be having a word with them two. She's in a righ' state. She's bin comin' down ter visit me a lot since Chris'mas. Bin feelin' lonely. Other than you"

"Ron just wont accept that cats eat rats and things. It's not her fault and Harry just takes Ron's side"

Harry and Ron share a guilty look.

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