deja vu

17 4 40

lyra and faith arrive first to the camp. to describe how it looks, there was an abandoned house, that was pretty old but good to sleep in if you didn't wanna sleep outside, and a lot of trees. Lyra fell asleep in the car so faith shook her to wake her up.

"we're here" faith smiles, Lyra smiles back and gets up, and they continue to wait for the others to arrive.

shortly after, everyone arrives.

"it's pretty scary.." Karla says, Carter puts his arm around her "it's okay I'll protect you" Karla smiles

"ew" Raven says "get a room"

Carter rolls his eyes and walks inside the house.

"we should tell scary storys tonight" Margot says as she puts her bags inside the house. everyone agrees, so later on they do that.

they all gather around the campfire together.

"can I go first?" Bonnie says. Bonnie is obsessed with horror movies so she would probably tell the best story.

"mhm.." Elijah says, he was the complete opposite of Bonnie and probably everything scared the dude.

"okay.. once in this very woods, a family went camping.." Bonnie pauses, Lyra hugs faith bc she already got scared.

Bonnie continues with "there was a mother, father, a teenage boy, and 2 twins that are almost identical except one was a boy, the other a girl. they were pretty young, the little girl named emily-" but Bonnie gets Inturupted by Karla "whys it always a fucking Emily"

"girly has a point.. but continue-" daisy says.

Bonnie rolls her eyes "one day, the father came home to the cabin in the woods from a peaceful day at work"

"who the FUCK has work in the middle of a camping trip?" Karla says, I mean she has a point on that

"Karla I will push you into this fire if you don't stop." Bonnie says in a serious tone, but she was obviously joking. "anyways, he couldn't find a trace of his family anywhere, so he kept looking. once he went behind the cabin he saw something traumatic, it was his wife's face. it looks like it got chopped off, the father heard giggling so he went to the front of the cabin where he saw the shocking figure of his oldest son being hanged on a tree. the twins were slowly ripping off his body parts, by only waving there hand. it was something traumatic for the father as he heard the painful screams of his oldest sons death. the father yelled stop, and the twins turn around to look at him and start repeating the same process to him. they say a ghost possessed the twins and to this very day, the ghost is still haunting these very woods."

"i- I don't think I'm sleeping tonight.." Lyra says, faith reaches over to kiss her cheek "it's okay"

pretty soon everyone walks into the small house to get rest, Piper was sitting near the fire when Ethan walked up to her.

"are you okay? you've been distant lately" Ethan says, Piper rolls her eyes bc Ethan was one of the only one that knew about her family's past besides Margot, and he's acting like he doesn't and that it doesn't exist.

"clearly not being that I'm here.." Piper says looking down to avoid eye contact

"you don't have to be rude about it.." Ethan leans in to kiss her but Piper pushes him away "no, Ethan. our entire relationship I was trying to be open to you but you only seem to care about yourself.. and I don't even think I'm qualified for a relationship anyways"

"what are you saying.." Ethan says, a tear falling from his eye. this hurt Piper to say especially on there trip but she felt like she had to.

"I'm breaking up with you.." Piper says, Ethan felt his heart break because he really liked her. "I'm sorry-" Piper tries saying but Ethan runs into the woods.

"wait ethan-" Piper tried calling for him, but he didn't hear or just didn't care. he ran deep into the woods because he was trying to find the way out so he could like.. drive home.

but he got himself nowhere except lost. he kept looking around but everywhere seemed nearly the same. he kept running until he couldn't anymore and fell to the ground, passed out.

within 2 minutes he wakes up and sees a guy standing over him with a strange black mask on, he honestly thought he was dreaming, or having a nightmare. the guy had a hoodie, and black mask on.

"who are you?" Ethan says, no response. the strange guy reaches his hand down to help Ethan up from the ground, Ethan got up but noticed the guy was holding an axe behind him. Ethan was about to scream for help but he pulled the axe out, chopped his arms off, then reached his way down to his legs with Ethan screaming in pain, he was getting killed slowly and painfully.

now we're back with Piper, she was still calling for Ethan when Margot came outside.

"are you okay? you've been screaming for awhile" Margot says "I couldn't sleep.."

"Ethan.. I feel bad, I left him and he ran into the woods" Piper sighs "I'm just.."

Margot pulls Piper in for a hug "hey, it's okay. I'm sure he's fine, but you need to sleep cause I could tell you haven't been sleeping much lately"

"you understand me so well... but yeah I guess" Piper says and blows out the fire to head inside after Margot.

"oh and also-" Margot says, Piper turns to look at her "Ethan will come back, I don't say this often but he loves you a lot, and even you guys breaking up wouldn't change that. he's almost like your puppy.." Margot slightly laughs.

Piper nods and heads in right after Margot.

notice how bro was killed similar to the dad in the story Bonnie told, someone was rly paying attention... except his wasn't paranormal but yea

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