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the next day, Piper was up most of the night over thinking things. Carter was upset that his girlfriend was dead and he was the last to even find out, I love Karla so much but her and Carter successfully won the reward for cringest couple of the year. until she um, died. Margot and Raven were awkward towards each other after that dare that Bonnie did. Bonnie pretty much lectured everyone after they woke up about the situation. I'm basically just summarizing what happened the rest of last night..

back to present tense, daisy was in her room using Google and Cole walked in, "what ya searching?"

"I'm thinking.. if what Bonnie said is true...- and we aren't final characters.. I'm trying to out-do the system" daisy says "anything is possible.. yk"

Cole goes to sit next to daisy who was on her bed.

"you know.. if you ask me, you serve final girl" Cole says, daisy smiles "I guess"

"I'll probably die though" Cole says looking down.

"I won't let you, if it comes to it- I think I'd die to save you" daisy says, Cole sighs "I wouldn't want you to do that, you have more purpose on this earth then I do anyways"

"that's really not true.. but thank you" daisy says, Cole smiles and leaves the room to let her be, once he leaves the room he bumps into Raven.

"YOU SCARED ME" Cole yelled

"damn sorry.. do you hate me?" Raven says while leaning against a wall

"kinda yeah" Cole says rolling his eyes, he probably won't forgive Raven for a hundred years..

"the dare was just revenge, you made me kiss Margot" Raven says, I'm on Ravens side ngl, he didn't even know the masked killer existed yet so coles gotta chill..

"I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU CAUSE YOU CLEARLY LIKED HER BUT WERE A CHICKEN AND DIDN'T MAKE A MOVE" Cole yells, in coles defense he was trying to be a good friend and help Raven but I'm still on #teamravenbesties

"damn chill... I would've rathered making a 'move' on my own" Raven says, Cole starts feeling guilty bc him and Raven used to be the best of friends back in elementary but once they both got crushes they slowly drifted apart.

"I'm sorry" Cole says, Raven just rolled his eyes "it's whatever, I'm gonna go" he walks away.

Cole sighs then Raven turns around "oh yeah Cole.. if you like daisy, because it's becoming obvious that you do, just don't change who you are to be with someone"

"I'm not.." Cole says, "I've just been kind of selfish because..- I'm not even sure"

"ehh.. I forgive you though" Raven says, Cole smiles and Raven walks away. don't start shipping them guys, they just used to be really close friends.

Tyler was walking deeper into the woods, he found it hard to even believe his friends that there was a masked killer, he assumed Bonnie made it up to scare them so he kept walking further to look for it. who tf looks for a killer? crazy dude, but Tyler gives off dumb vibes. like, if Tyler was a girls named he'd be that 'dumb blonde' in the movie.. ig it still remains but- okay lemme stop talking to myself.

Tyler was walking and ran into a tree by accident and knocked himself out, dum dum Tyler. once he awoken he saw the masked man.. let's just call him 'the masked man' for now, but anyways, the master man was holding a lighter above him.

"what.." Tyler says, his leg was stuck under a branch so he couldn't get up. the masked man dropped the lighter on Tyler, and poured gasoline on him. Tyler blew up into flames and was screaming while his skin was pealing off from the fire, the masked man was just watching him dying from the fire, he was getting burned to death.

meanwhile back at the campsite, Carter was sitting outside on the porch and missing Karla when Piper went next to him,

"are you okay? I know how much she means to you-" Piper says, Carter sighs "Mhm"

"it's okay to feel sad yk" Piper says, Carter usually focuses on trying to be the funny one which uh, isn't really working bc most people saw him as weird.

"I'm not sad" Carter says looking on the ground to avoid eye contact.

"fine- but whenever you want to open up I'm here.." Piper says "Karla was one of my really good friends"

"yeah and she was my girlfriend" Carter says while getting up he rolls his eyes and goes back inside, Piper just wanted to let him know he's not alone but he's the kinda person who hates any kind of attention for some reason.

I'm gonna try making my chapters longer I just usually get a feeling telling me to end the chapter at a certain part I'm sorry/

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