if we had 5 more minutes

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after the fire, Piper told the others she'll be right back which u aren't supposed to say in a horror movie, so she won't be back, obviously.

she went to go find Cole and sure enough, Cole was sitting at the edge of a log.

Piper went to sit next to him, she really felt like she should apologize although it wasn't really her fault but Cole seems to blame her for what happened, the silence was awkward between the two for awhile until Cole spoke up.

"what do you want?" Cole says in a rude tone, if we're being honest Cole isn't a bad guy he's just dealing with his problem in a bad way which isn't necessarily his fault. we all deal with our problems differently anyways.

Piper sighs "I'm sorry.. I just didn't think daisy had hope to make it out of the fire alive, I didn't wanna lose her and I definitely didn't wanna lose you along with her. if it weren't for her, half of our friends might be dead.."

"I know you were trying to help me, but I would've rathered me die with her.. I don't wanna live without her, I'm not sure I even know how to" Cole says, he's gotten really close to daisy lately and Piper felt guilty but in a way glad bc if she didn't hold Cole back he would be gone as well.

"Cole.. your like a little brother then me, although your like a month younger, I couldn't imagine losing you.. I know it hurts that Daisy's actually gone but..- we wouldnt want you to be gone as well" Piper says

"I loved her though.." Cole says as a tear falls from his eye, he's never been more broken "I wish we had at least 5 more minutes"

"im sorry.. but can you please come back with us? we don't wanna lose you too, it's best if we all stay together" Piper pulls Cole in for a hug, Cole nods and follows Piper back to the others.

"oh there's bitch boy" Carter says rolling his eyes.

"Carter, he's gone through a lot-" Piper says, that has just about done it for Carter.

"and I haven't? huh?" Carter says in an angry tone "I get it you guys lost people, but so have I and you all seem to forget that"

"guys can we please not start again.." Margot says, she was trying to keep everything peaceful. I Stan her for that.

"fine" Carter says

"if we stay together we should be fine, let's just look for shelter for the night" faith says, everyone walks together to look for a place to sleep, they end up deciding to sleep by a few trees which probably isn't comfortable but they didn't have much of a choice, there were no sheds nearby and they've gotten pretty tired.

Margot rests her head on Raven, normally Raven hated the love stuff but Margot was an exception to him, he really loved her the more time he spent with her.

Piper however couldn't sleep that night, she was filled with regret for letting daisy die and hurting Cole along the process.

"you okay?" Bonnie goes up to her

"no, but why do u care" Piper says jokingly bc Bonnie usually doesn't show care for her friends very often.

"cause your my friend. duh" Bonnie says, Piper slightly laughs at that but tried not to. it's not her fault Bonnie is so hilarious.. "so what's up?" Bonnie continues with

"I just feel guilty" Piper sighs "I didn't want any of them to die but if I had let Cole go... probably you, Carter, Cole, Elijah, along with daisy would've all ended up dead.

"yeah, and it isn't your fault that daisy died, or anyone for that matter." Bonnie says

"I'd like to think it isn't, but deep down I know I could've convinced her to come out for Cole at least.." Piper says with her voice getting saddened.

"how can she even come out for Cole? he's a guy and she's a gir- OHHH" Bonnie says, her mind must've went to a completely different universe.

"pfft.." Piper says "I'm trying not to make everything about me, cause you guys are probably going through worse and I'm sorry..- I just feel guilty"

"hey don't apologize, you deserve attention just as much as anyone else" Bonnie says "but.. I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight"

"goodnight.." Piper says and lays next to a tree bc well.. there's not much other places so she'd have to cope with it.

the next morning, it appears piper, Elijah, and Carter got split from the rest. it's ironic cuz pipers the main and the other 2 are side asf. they were walking through the woods with Elijah slightly ahead from the two.

piper was talking about how she regretted ending things with Ethan, because he might just still be alive and well, Carter who was annoyed just said "I don't get why you liked him. he seemed like one of the dudes who want a girlfriend to look cool"

"but weren't you like that.." piper says, Carter sighs "no I actually did love Karla, I still do.."

"dude both of your love intrests died and y'all being flirty" Elijah says and turns around to look at them

"we aren't. please normalize a good friendship between a male and a female" Carter says in a annoyed tone.

the three of them stop near a waterfall because Elijah was burning up. not actually, but yk.

Elijah sits near it and puts water on his head to cool him down. piper noticed the masked man standing aside from them, but it was to late. he sliced the blade against Carter. Carter dodged it but with a risk, he almost fell down the waterfall but piper was holding onto his arm, trying to pull him up.

however, that gave the masked man an idea. he sliced the knife against Elijahs chest, and roughly pushed him down the waterfall. the chances of him surviving would be rare sense he was injured pretty badly. piper finished pulling up Carter, and the masked man attempted to push Carter down the waterfall as well but piper grabbed the nearest weapon and through it at the masked man, it was a rock but there wasn't anything else useful that was nearby. the masked man runs off and piper kneels down next to Carter, he fell over when the dude tried pushing him down the waterfall.

"are you okay?" piper says.

"barely, bro has it out on me" Carter jokes, piper giggles, then remembers what happened.

she saved Carter, but also lost another friend along the process.

"Elijah.." piper says, a tear falls from her eye and Carter wipes it away.

"hey, thanks for saving me" Carter says

"anytime" piper says "you've honestly changed for the better on this trip, and I think your probably one of my closest friends now.."

"closer then Margot?" Carter jokes, bc piper and Margot are practically inseparable.

"you'd have to work a little to get there.." piper says, Carter laughs.

"let's go look for the others" piper continues with, and the two of them run off to go find 'the other' I should just name this book 'the others' at this point.

I was debating over Carter or Elijah to kill off but I realized Carter became a favourite which I didn't think was possible.

Elijah was pretty useless so..-

also.. I didn't show them get lost from the others cause I honestly don't know how they did but it fit the story for my idea of killing Elijah or Carter.

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