trust issues era

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meanwhile, 'the others' were looking for piper, Carter, and Elijah. unaware Elijah is completely dead.

to explain it, they basically got separated when they woke up.

Margot was rubbing her eyes cause she didn't sleep much last night, it was hard cause sense the house did get set on fire, she had a lot on her mind.

Cole stops walking and sits down near a tree, Margot and Raven walk back towards him.

"are you guys gonna come?" faith says, Raven turns to look at faith and says "you guys keep going, we'll catch up"

"that's NOT a very smart thing to do.. whenever someone splits up in a horror movie things go horibly wrong, we already got split from-" Bonnie says but faith pushes her shoulder "this. isnt. a. fucking. movie" faith says spacing the words away, Bonnie just rolls her eyes and the two continue walking.

"you okay Cole?" Raven says worrying about him.

"yeah.. I just don't know if I can continue anymore. my leg hurts and I'm tired" Cole says

"Cole, don't give up now" Margot steps in "it would make all of our friends deaths worth nothing. don't you wanna advenge them?"

"agreed" Raven says

"you guys don't understand" Cole sighs "I wanna keep going but something inside is telling me not to? if it's one of us, who can we trust?"

"I'd like to think it's not" Margot says "maybe we're just being hunted for no reason?"

"like Bonnie said.. there's always a reason"' Cole says

" yea well.. can you please stay? for us yk, we can't lose another friend " Raven says, Cole sighs and stands up "fine" and they go to rush to the others. only problem is, they kinda lost them.

now we're zooming into piper and Carter. they were walking deep into the woods, going further and just ending up more lost then they were to begin with, but they had to keep going. if they stopped the killer could've found them.

piper stops walking, Carter turns around "what's wrong?"

"I don't know..  I feel like something is behind me for some reason" piper says, Carter turns around to look at her, and what he saw behind her terrified him. it was the masked man and he raised a knife aiming for piper, but Carter pushed her out of the way, only causing the knife to go inside Carter. the killer pulled the knife up a little bit and then dropped Carter to the floor. he tilted his head and looked at piper.

piper had no choice but to run. the masked man was chasing her and then suddenly piper ran into Margot, Raven, and Cole. they could tell she looked terrified.

"piper! what happened? are you okay?" Margot says.

"wait.. where are Elijah and Carter" Raven says.

"t- they died.." piper says with her voice getting shaking "I barely even escaped.."

"oh god.." Cole says looking down.

suddenly faith runs towards them.

"faith, where's Bonnie." piper says, she wasn't sure if she could trust her at all.

"I don't know- we got attacked and I lost her I swear" faith says defending herself

suddenly Bonnie runs towards them

"BONNIE, WHERE WERE YOU" Cole yells, bro was having hella trust issues rn.

"me and-" Bonnie starts but Raven says "yeah we already heard it"

suddenly the masked man approaches the six of them.

"who are you?" piper says. the killer gives a cold expression and removes it's mask, revealing..

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