Chapter 5 "Secrets Revealed"

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Wally jolts awake, "was that a nightmare?.." he thought, but his thoughts were interrupted by Frank screaming "WALLY!" and running over.

Barnaby looked up and covered his mouth, tears falling from his eyes, everyone else was happy as well.

Frank hugged Wally, Wally didn't understand what was going on (also I love the fact that Wally cononly goes limp when hugged, lol) "W..what?" he muttered, Frank let go.

"Do you not remember what happened?" Frank asked, Barnaby suddenly appeared at Franks side and Wally didn't answer, he just jumped up and screamed "BARNABY!" Barnaby hugged Wally then let go, "I THOUGHT I LOST YOU BUD" Barnaby said, falling down on to his knees so he could look Wally in the eyes.

"I.. don't understand wha-" Wally stopped, finally remembering what happened, "oh.. right.." he muttered. Barnaby looked at Wally"What happened back there?.." Barnaby asked.

Wally looked at Julie then back at Barnaby. "I.. uhm.." Wally stopped.
"What if.. I tell them and they HATE me..?" Wally thought, "No, no, no, I can't tell them I-" Wallys thoughts were interrupted by Barnaby saying "Wally..?" Wally looked back up at him, "You okay there buddy?" Barnaby asked, "You kinda spaced out there for a sec?" Wally backed up. "You.. don't have to answer if you don't want to." Barnaby said, standing up.

Wally sighed, relieved he didn't have to make up some excuse to get out of that question. "Sorry, Barnaby Im just.. Really confused right now." Wally said putting his hand up to head because he was lightheaded when he saw his wrists.

Wally covered his mouth at the sight of the bandages on his arm, then looked up at Frank. Frank looked sad, his eyes were heavy and he was frowning more than usual.. Then he looked at Barnaby, who had small droplets of tears in his eyes and was looking at the ground.

Tears were starting to form in Wally's eyes as well. Frank tried to say something but when he opened his mouth, he could think of anything to say.

Wally jumped off the bed, which considering the height of Barnabys bed was not easy, and ran out of the room crying hard. "WALLY!" Julie shouted after him but it was no use, he didn't stop.

"I.." Barnaby started, Frank looked at him and tears swelled in his eyes "I just wish we knew sooner.." Barnaby said, his voice cracking between tear droplets.

"It's.. not our fault, Barnaby.. It's not his either. I just.. hope he knows that.."


This was a very short chapter but I have a script for each chapter and it's not very easy to do when the script for each chapter has only 200 words or less and I strive for each of my chapters to close 1000 words, lol. 💙💛

Thank you for reading!!

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