Chapter 22 "We'll be fine"

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TW: Mentions of death, mentions of weapons, mentions of disassociation/derealization and/or mentions of self awareness, mentions of blood/gore and stabbing/injuries or wounds.

HUGE Wallaby scene <3 (I should not have been physically shaking with joy when I wrote that, theres something mentally not right with my brain 😍)
Small mentions of Freddie (Frank x Eddie) and Sunflower (Sally x Julie)!

Final countdown: 2 chapters left (not including this one, and the second is the final)



The neighbors had all filed outside. Frank was going over the plan one last time while everyone else double checked their supplies.

Howdy was holding both his, and Barnabys pipes, while Barnaby helped Poppy get the backpack straps over her wings. Julie had been given a blade to use instead of the pipe, which wasn't as effective as they'd hoped because she was still acting as chaotic as she would've with a bigger weapon, but at least she was less likely to accidentally hurt someone.

"....And that when Eddie pulls Barnaby out!" Frank says, finishing off retelling the plan for the 100th time.

"The end, we live happily ever afterrrrr" Barnaby said dramatically, doing jazz hands, which made Poppy and the other chuckle, Frank however rolled their eyes.

Wally chuckled, zipping up his backpack and putting it over his shoulder after he'd double checked everything.

"You're such a bother." Frank said, clearly annoyed by Barnaby.

"Oh come onnnn, it was funny, admit it!" Barnaby said, wagging his tail.

"I will do no such thing!" Frank whisper yelled back at him.

Eddie sighed, chuckling and holding Franks head still so it didnt spin wildly.

"Calm down, bug." He said, smiling."

Frank took a deep breath and held Eddies hand, glaring at Barnaby. All in good fun.

"We should get going, it's already 5:45, and Home usually got me up around 6:00AM approximately." Wally said, brushing his messy hair out of his face and missing his beloved pompadour.

Barnabys tail stopped wagging at the mention of Home making Wally do something again, but the others just nodded in agreement.

They all began getting ready to go, but Wally looked conflicted against something...

Should he ask now, or wait?

No.. He can't wait, can he? This is too important, and there's no guarantee that-


Wally snapped out of his trance and looked up.

"O-Oh, uh, yeah Howdy?"

"You coming, kid?" Howdy asked, chucking.

Wally noticed that everyone had been walking, expecting Wally was following.

"Oh!" Wally speed walked to catch up to them, walking behind them, but still not really paying much attention. He looked conflicted...

Finally, he decided. He had to ask.

"Barnaby... Wait!" He said, his voice trembling, causing Barnaby the others to stop and turn to him...

"I..." He took a deep breath, "This isn't the most ideal situation I would've liked to be in when this happened, and if I'm being honest, I always thought you'd be the one to ask this... But you haven't. And since we're going into this whole fight thing without really knowing what's going to happen.. and... who we might lose..." His voice trailed off and Barnaby looked at him with pure confusion.

Welcome Home Wally.. (Welcome home AU) Wally angst comicWhere stories live. Discover now