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You wake up so tired.
"Get up we have to go soon"-Ashley
"Ok fine!"-you
You put mascara on blush,eyebrow gel,and chapstick.
You change.

You change

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You put deodorant and perfume on.
(This takes place in 2023 but in this he looks like how he was when he was 15,and when he was 15 it was 2007 sorry if this doesn't make sense)
You take you phone and AirPods.
Your sister drives you to some place that you didn't wanna go to.
"We are here!!!!"
You look up from your phone
You see Ballons and people walking in
"Yea it will be fun come on"-sister
You get out the car and walk in
You see your little cousin
It was HER birthday
You sit down at a random table that was not occupied and go on your phone.
You couldn't hear nothing because of the loud music that was playing.
You text your sister
•ima go find somewhere to sit•
She replied ok
You get up and go into a hallway you keep going down and then you see a couch.
You sit down on it and go back on your phone.
You were texting you sister when someone sits next to you.
You can see from the corner of your eye it was a boy.
(Ik he's German but he gonna speak English for this story!!!)
You ignored it and texted your friend.
You were telling her how bored you were.
She told you to just stay on your phone.
Then you turn off your phone and look up and sigh.
"Your bored to?"the kid next to you says.
"I hate parties they are so boring"-you
"They are alright but sometimes they are really boring"he says
"I'm Tom by the way I'm surprised you didn't recognize me"-tom
"Are you famous or something"-you said laughing.
"Yea sorta"-tom
"Really how?"-you
"I'm in a band names Tokio hotel I'm playing here I'm just on my break"-tom
"Oh nice who else is in the band"-you
"Me my brother bill Gustav and Georg"-tom
"I don't know who they are but nice!"-you
Then he gets a text
"Oh I have to go on now why don't you come check it out"-Tom
"Yea sure"-you
You thought he was cute so of course you went.
You followed right behind him
Then you seen a boy will black eye liner another with brown hair and another sitting down with drums and other things.
Then Tom said
"Got sit"-tom
You sat down and you watched him pick up a guitar
Then they started playing.
You were confused because they were speaking a completely different language.
You watched him and watched him.
Then you thought
💭 why the hell am I only looking at him there are other people playing too💭

I gave up after this sorry it's short but give me ideas because i don't know what to write🎸

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